what happened to yellowpaco


How is one person already being called a rapist when the accuser left out so many details and has so many holes in her story? Why the hell would any of that stick with you for 4 years? Feels like a big part of his fanbase probably don't know about the cs stuff and will maybe never know about this stuf. Roi Fabito and Alex Burriss first met in middle school in Durham, North Carolina. 1 https://streamable.com/g2t33o This woman had a BOYFRIEND at the time, yet she spent an entire night hanging out with another guy and kissing him and now all of a sudden it wasn't consensual? DUMPED: Simon Cowell's record label have dumped Collabro (Image: GETTY) The popular 2014 champs were axed despite their two previous albums being big hits - peaking at No.1 and No.2 in the charts. Now put yourselves in his shoes and imagine how life was for those 2-3 years where everyone thinks you are some abusive pig and friends are cutting you off left and right. Warwitch accused of grooming a teen here. ZaneKyber accused of harassing underage girls for nudes here and here. Woody fights with him, whiteboy recently made a really funny clip for PKA 500 and everyone loved it and then woody started beef from like 2010 about what category white boy put his videos under, childish as fuck. She could have just said "yeah no, bye now" at any point, don't buy any of the descriptions bordering on an anxiety attack or a nervous breakdown, jesus. But if she was lying to get attention a C&D would make sense right. He recently admitted to sexual allegations against him, which another streamer PixelateTori spoke about. I remember him taking off his pants. OfflineTV statement here. Reading through a lot of these and some of them are just "shitty relationships" (cheating, manipulation, etc etc) but not sexual assault. Just reading through her story she said things like "I believe" or her memory is "hazy". The "evidence" reads as a sjw's wet dream vilifying someone for nothing. Also I wanted to add on something from my previous comment. (old news but i will keep it). Unfortunately there are some bad people in this world that would even lie about something as devastating as this. The really creepy part is that this was the image she posted back then. An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. He kicked Osiris off for some bullshit drama as well as Kaitlyn later down the road. Good thing this is bubbling up to the surface. MyLawyerFriend accused of sexual harassment here. Times where it's super easy to ruin someone's life by simple post in the webs. She tweets this afterward with the hashtag #BanBager. His statement can be found here. Tw:R*pe In 2016 I was repeatedly r*ped by partnered Twitch streamer Phantomsfx. Angry Joe shouldn't even be there. It also came out that he cheated with his Russs girlfriend at the time (Red) behind his back :/ Russ essentially had to just continue forward after finding out since at the time his income was primarily from LNC. That is ridiculous. 4 years. Venmo me $1 for nuggets: @yellowpaco. Not only are you dragging innocent people's reputation through the mud, you are also making it harder for people who were indeed abused be taken more seriously and get their story out there . Based on his social media presence, Lewis is the owner of two Siberian Huskey and was previously in a relationship with Pentatonix singer Kirstin Maldonado. I was sexually harassed by a large streamer in Los Angeles in 2016. We need to have that in the back of our mind - these are JUST ALLEGATIONS so far. Allegations of caster HenryG being abusive and having sex with no consent. Fellas, this is just a reminder that before you raise pitchforks and torches and cancel culture really starts gaining in power, remember what happened with ProJared. I would imagine you have to dig through the full twitter thread here to see who is being named outside of just the CEO. Second girl is coming forward agains reckful: https://twitter.com/DarthDomino/status/1276444128268746754, https://twitter.com/indiefoxxlive/status/1275349895541592065. It's never really been revealed or talked about. I don't like JP but that guy knows how to organize a good show with great cohosts/guests lol. Yeah, this post is a mess. My abuser is a well-known Twitch Staff member who happens to also handle partners accounts including those of women. ", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvuL_BFXUSs, https://twitter.com/Whiteboy7thst/status/255750500727795712, https://twitter.com/ChicaDeAwesome/status/1274608540917719040?s=20, https://twitter.com/TVGBadger/status/1274882296726917123?s=20, https://twitter.com/YourStarling/status/1274895119276101634?s=19, https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ip8, https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTF_lISzOx1xQNL-0elKVmitIWpWeoHTPghWVmy_mPKMVUapN6e12gFcbM1sZgMcLISmew-zo-UOngK/pub, https://clips.twitch.tv/AliveAgitatedSpaghettiFloof, https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9ifn, https://twitter.com/Fisstech/status/1275056082579267587, https://twitter.com/fieldyfieldy/status/1275256281918435329, https://twitter.com/gumpsterly/status/1274891013241225217, https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken/status/1274424042817236993?s=20, https://twitter.com/_daaes/status/1274649803150946304?s=20, John/Synwyn/He had a lot of GTs I don't remember, https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100, people from his community including his wife, https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21, (unconfirmed!) Imagine how disgusting you have to be to be called disgusting by a guy who slept with a dead rat for months, he seen a roach on the wall the other day on stream and didnt even kill it LOL literal god, Dude had a dead rat in his bedroom for months because he never cleans it and discovered it once finally cleaning his room. Ninja was ahead of the curve when he said streaming with women was an awful idea. Cryaotic apology and some more information here. You are important. Super glad GassyMexican is standing up against it though. It appears the label is having a clear out ahead of this year's X Factor as BGT finalists Jack Pack have also been given the boot. It's been covering twitter for almost 2 days. https://www.twitch.tv/witwix Witwix is addressing the allegations against him atm. It definitely didnt sound like what was written there. And stop making new accounts and sending me false information. yellowpaco allegations here. A lot of the stories of the allegations in this thread on twitter. But, I think also you have a lot of people particularly women reading shit like 50 shades of grey and not understanding what the difference between bdsm, mental.dom, and genuine psychological abuse is. e looks like op added more info to the post. To those who are speaking out, you are incredibly brave, and I want to thank you. Regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she talking about Pansy? TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. Removed some text and accusations due to character limit being 40k. What evidence did anyone have for someone being a witch? I would say I was pretty quick to seeking out attention and affection. Undoubtedly, this site pretty much drove out every thinking individual after ~2014 and transformed itself to attract only morons that will buy the shit advertised in this dumpster fire or fall for the astroturfing scams that infest the front page nowadays. She goes into detail about the proof, which includes Discord screenshots. He also guilt trips her for not giving him a blowjob. iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. Playing hard to get is a thing and sometimes being persistent pays off. he held me down while i was crying and begging him to stop. https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275158506287427586 I don't know if those accusations are true or not, I leave it for the police and court to decide, but so called social justice warriors across the web don't. Share this article: 'Yellowstone' Season 3 Episode 6: Who was the missing girl Sila, what really happened to her? They are often used by big companies legal teams as intimidation even when they have no case as you said, but theyre not inherently bad or scummy. Instead they decide that the person is guilty, label him a rapist, he gets fired and worse. its pretty disgusting. But it seems she didn't. But, from the thousands upon thousands of hours of interactions and livestreams, I personally don't find the allegations substantial. Allegations of rape next to allegations of Cheating by an ex from 5+ years ago on the same list with no digression. There were creepy dms being leaked not even related to Kaitlyn really sucks to hear she went through some shit too. Might Not be a crime necessarily but still pretty messed up. Yeah, its a problem of the internet in general. These mass random allegations gather attention but don't do much for setting the record straight. Welcome to modern times. His 2nd statement here. My story. Allegations of serious crimes on Twitter before the police is already a huge red flag. Purple_HS says he will be taking legal action here. post title made it sound like all the streamers in the post were accused of something too. As this 'first date' plays out, the audience is guided through a mental minefield of disappointment. One of the people coming out with accusations against him is his former girlfriend Kaitlin Witcher. Sascha Steffens, Co-CEO of Method, accused here and here. Yeah, I don't understand how that would be classified as sexual assault or be compared to any other allegations on here (from what I read). throwback to when a man old enough to be my grandfather who is also married with kids slid into my dms, Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here, Hi eshear TwitchSupport Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. Anyone with a huge following typically is a piece of shit when they take off the mask and hide the cameras. Thats an important detail! Not just that, her saying she couldn't use her phone once for 5+ hours is silly, she could've used it when he was taking his shower. Get real time updates on sponsorships and live campaigns. Liked. LilyPichu update here. Can we change the title from "women" to "people" considering we have a male victim as well. This further tweet from Slasher says that other allegations are pointing at the various people listed in OPs title. Protect your Passwords or your account gets hacked, Make sure you save every social media interaction or else it can be used against you, Im sure more and more people do this after the recent years. Please PM me or comment if you have new information that should be here. Doesn't make sense to me tbh. Fucking based Asmongold, definitely watch his video if you haven't. That's just insane and this is just a small snipped of how much worse it would get in the future. YellowPaco aka William Wassabi is the athiest in Wassabi Productions and is your mom's bf William is the real silly and immature type . Healthy adults don't engage with minors to the degree Cry did. On the 28th January 1944, the USS Grayback with her 80 strong crew, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl Harbour. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. It seems that anyone in media should be careful of groupies/fans because of the imbalanced relationship. The dude kept his receipts and it's kinda hard to argue with what's there. As we all know, this drama happens on Twitter. #fyp #comedy #CloseYourRings. We really need to step on it with our mind reading technology because SOME(not all) of these literally boil down to "I said yes with my words and actions but in my head I was thinking no.so I was assaulted". He just followed Lupo wherever he went. y&r updates: the last four weeks on the young and the restless Yet this was made at 9pm. Sometimes you think you know a guy. The angry Joe story is literally just a cringe date at worst, what the actual? He always struck me as a bit of a narcissist, but after the split I feel like he got even worse and I got an uneasy feeling watching him. Like what kind of gaslighting bullshit is that? Justin is way to nice to assault anybody on anything except MvC3 LUL. Many streams create an environment where the viewership is noticed and congratulated for non-accomplisments, like shouting out a two dollar donation or the month anniversary of their subscription. It's almost like people on the internet have 0 social skills. Also, the Yogscast stuff happened almost a year ago and both of the accused are no longer with them, or even active as content creators. Who would have guessed the guy scamming money from children was a scumbag. Happens all the time in Hollywood too and I'm glad when people, who aren't guilty, actually defend themselves because the pressure has to be insane and it can literally ruin your whole life. TwitLonger is in no way associated with Twitter, but they sure do a swell job over there, Crude or indecent language, including adult stories or "imagines", Sexual fetish content (e.g. It really looks like she wanted a dedicated relationship afterwards and he wasn't sure, turning it to scorn from her end. Kinda reminds me of the ProJared/Heidi situation where we only knew one side from Heidi at the time. 5pm was his panel, say it ends around 6pm, then apparently 5 hours passed so that puts it around 11pm. When he was called-out for it, instead of using its content to further exonerate himself from every last claim, he deleted all traces of it--including DM's. proof: They just know the original version and still think they were right. He has responded. This feels like some twilight zone shit. It was more emotional cheating because they were just sending nudes and not fucking, but he still cheated. diegosaurs response here. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. You have helped people like me who may not be as confident to telling our stories. the badger girl What happens if he doesn't have all the convos and shit? Yeah he touched it right here." Thankfully he's clean for now, Seeing Cryaotic on this list really hurts. Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. I eventually gave in and said that I would come over. No person deserves to be silenced for this long. He made a clarification on the video that it was only online, for what that matters. I think Destiny has hinted at it (JP doing bad shit) a few times before as one of the many streamers whose success wasn't hitched to the Old Boys Club. EDIT: ducks not banana. Regardless of this particular situation thinking people have to react a particular way is incredibly toxic. Anyone can be a completely different person when that stream is off. I'm not saying that any of the accused people are not guilty, but it might be the case so you should give them the benefit of the doubt for now. dude was clearly attracted to her and made moves that she didnt oppose. "guys guys you wont BELIEVE what happened today". For example WitWix is talking about it right now: Ya hes a terrible boyfriend but its not sexual assault. How does cease and desist work in this context? I remember him next to me, legs and arms wrapped around me. Hmm Takarita is implicated in the first story about swifty and suddenly comes out with a story about Swifty herself? You should not immediately hate someone unless the evidence against them is so strong that its impossible to give benefit of any doubt. " i want it now." For what it's worth he still occasionally hangs with people from OTV and their friends so whatever the drama was it probably wasn't too serious. One of the people has already come out with evidence against one of the accusations. Get it right, she capitalised the first letter on ever word. But he's got a wallet to pay for an attorney that she don't. The streamer has deleted the accusations. Like really?????? He also has some pretty big egotistical issues where he got mad at Geoff and I think thats why Geoff supported Kaitlyn during that whole time. They need to. I told him as much when he tried to get me to masturbate for him again, BaconDonutTV accused of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse to Tactical_Pinup, mother of his 2 children here. Honestly, most of us play games cause it's a great way to connect. If this person is making repeated false accusations, then this is the intended use. You can't make this shit up. Smash Bros subreddit also has a megathread here. I filed a rape report against Bil Carter (AKA Jump) on October 26, 2019. Couldn't anyone just make up anything about me from that point on? Well known online as yellowpaco, he is a comedian on YouTube whose channel has earned more than 260,000 subscribers. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. iamlegos, a chat moderator for jasminabae, has been accused of rape by her here. Then john said "yea sorry i couldnt get hard, all the liquor but i'm so proud of you". So have the weight of that on your mind when some random shows you their tits or pussy. Manuel Ferrara accused of being abusive here, Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. Ill follow up in this thread with proof of the abuse. just stuff that he has talked about in the past few years already according to him. USA Saturday, July 4, 2020 7pm EDT, EU Sunday, July 5, 2020 12am BST. Her hiding certain replies on her post also doesn't help here. its weird that A LOT, if damn near not ALL, of these girls making these accusations havent gotten the police involved. They both took an uber to her place. My advice to the zoomer generation that dont think about what they write or say online is the following. If the man can advertise a gambling site to children while not disclosing that he himself is a part of running the site then it's not too far fetched that he is scummy enough to be a piece of shit towards women. Doesn't matter if you did something, only that you might've done it. The angryjoe accuser honestly doesnt belong here. \_()_/. Of course I believe the victims of sjin and turps, because they fucking well tried it on with me too. If you still want to send said message, go for it. 4224. Luminosity asked his girlfriend for nudes so apparently he's an abuser LOL wtf. It's sad that we live in a world where this kind of stuff still happens daily, and that so many woman AND man feel like they have to hide it. His response here. Cause everything he did was fake af and lies. Pretty sure he was perma playing games when he screwed his ex gf with Macaiyla though. People.forget marzia was a fan of Pewdiepie before they got together. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. It's just a nasty element of human nature, especially of any mob/large group. At the end of Yellowstone season 4, Jimmy was granted a pardon from John Dutton and allowed to return to the 6666 (read, Four Sixes) ranch in Texas. and, at worst, file claims that are counterclaimed and automatically expire. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. First off, there are literally allegations in this list mentioning female streamers sexually abuse/offend people - but they're not added as their own allegation (because they are female), what the actual fuck? Uh. Trivia. Reading further into this I genuinely think some people are just fucking emotional pussies who can't handle anything without crying and breaking down. Title and the way he writes it makes it seem as if all of them are accused of straight up rape. If history has taught us anything, it's that even the most milquetoast shut in retard can be a serial murder rapist for decades and nobody will know. Maybe shut the fuck about about your bad date and cringe experience whole people are speaking up about genuine rape? joe made her cry, which is what I think the entire thing is about, Another one https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1274869902155931649?s=21. Amazing the amount of times they let things go because they still held out hope they were going to get personal gain from it. Whether or not any of these people are actually guilty, I have no idea. TurkeyTom bouta defend sooooooo many sex offenders. (CW: sexual assault, being drugged). . Why are you comparing a guy with no game, with rapists. They see drama, get all invested in it for a few weeks, then move onto the next thing. https://twitter.com/CryWasTaken/status/1274424042817236993?s=20. I have a boyfriend you know! when he was just being nice, so I just stay quiet and say sure. Yellowpaco was born on August 15, 1990, and he is currently 29 years of age. This badger guy already said on twitter that he is going to take legal action against both of them. No excuses. What I find weird is that she made business cards for the event and even though she says herself that she got a message from Joe inviting to dinner along with people from youtube maybe be ready with business cards. It isn't like they don't know, they have just be conditioned to chase clout at every opportunity. They just want to defend their hero. What happened Paco? Who hears spook and doesn't immediately go 'CIA or ghost?' Fans of both of the stars rejoiced at their relationship, already guessing it before it was revealed. Joe doesn't deserve to be thrown under the bus with everyone else. Just like that, because he has a fame. Think the big Destiny steamers like Broman, Goth all knew about it and were waiting for the Women to feel comfortable telling their stories publically so they never really did anything with him. angryjoe is about to have a very bad, no good few weeks. If an inch of popularity brings forth such disgusting behaviours I can't imagine what goes on in hollywood where so much money goes around to buy the silence. Maybe there is more to the story, I haven't kept up with him in years. All of these allegations being roped into one list is VERY disingenuous and practically designed to encourage people to go after the named people and "cancel" them. Is it because these claims wouldnt hold any water in a court of law? yep. It's even lower if they're within 5 years of each other. sjin and Turps, former Yogcast members accused of being abusers here. You told me that it was a small industry very relationship based. He snapped at me when I said I didn't feel she was and told me I never had to work with her (I actually had.. she had worked at Twitch). Man, I actually remember seeing a thread about the accusations against ItMeJP last year I think but it got deleted pretty quickly and always wondered why. Man, Geoff "Incontrol" Robinson continuing to prove even after his passing why he's the greatest of all time. That, on top of streamers having many women trying to date them who aren't genuine is probably what got that reaction out of Joe. And theres means motive and opportunity for people adored or in positions in power to use their power to get sex. I mean you know one of them is a stick that spends so many hours a day on his bus chair that he might get fused to it if he didn't take the occasional coke break. i mean, if i were joe id be pissed too. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100. More information about Method here. Rape kits go untested, and cops usually dismiss everything as soon as they find out that both parties had been drinking. it reads like she just lead him on and didnt let him know she wasnt interested before they went through like 3 venues?? Its shocking that he would just let himself be cucked and continue to stream with the guy. Remember that this is a very delicate subject. If not, go back to "1". Yea some of these are just people upset they slept with someone who had no actual interest in them other then having sex. To those who are too scared, It's okay. From their own words they are willingly sleeping with some of these people. RayChase and RobbieDaymond accused of sexual assault here. I pretended to like him to advance my career but when that didn't happen I felt ashamed, even though I always gave consent and never tried communicating how I felt because I thought this was my shot. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. I feel genuinely bad for her. If anyone has more tweets or information, please share it, SayNoToRage had a ton of girls come out and call him out for sexual assault, half the stories are pretty serious but the other half are such nothing, Like Swifty My advice for actual predators out there, well I don't have one. I, too, was sexually assaulted by a guy in the gaming industry. If a guys is famous and has no game his flirtation is received as creepy and the term sexual predator can be thrown into his face. Also if you didnt do anything wrong dont fucking apologise. EDIT: here is a tweet from his ex, Chey, with proof of their relationship being romantic in sense (please note it has Cry's real name, Ryan Terry). AngryJoe also has some accusations here. After a four-month retrial, Mr. Hernandez was found guilty on Feb. 14, 2017, of murder and kidnapping. It just really sucks because you can definitely tell some of these girls went through hell and you are diminishing their stories with your made up attention seeking/mental illness stories. Press J to jump to the feed. 'This Really Happened to Me.' So lying about it should have serious reprecussions. I remember him taking off his pants. Bingo. (although she unfollowed me recently it seems), I am a married woman so most of the comments I get are tame in comparison what a single young woman gets. His response here. Tweet by slasher here. Most of them are just doing it for the social media analytics. swiftys pinky in an unconsenting girls stinky. Then your career starts going down, people distance themselves from you, including friends, business partners, financially you start taking a hit, you can't even try and do your job without some random person on the internet calling you a rapist. National Sexual Assault Hotline Link 1-800-656-4673, National Domestic Violence Hotline Link 18007997233, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Link 1-800-273-8255. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. Also her post reads like shitty fanfic. This is always so weird to me considering I only ever see him streaming to 3-5k viewers at any given time. Hugs = rape apparently. From the shitty 80s boner comedies that teach men that their only goal is to fuck women to Carly Rae Jepsen's music conditioning women to have sex with men they've just met. Chilled Chaos accused of raping a 12 year old girl. In 2010 he was accused of rape by a woman, with whom he had an affair for some years. Fair enough that she doesn't do youtube but you would think to pass along your card just in case anyways. He has deleted his twitter account. But I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. Their statement here. Here is SS after what had happened I'm sure me even just explaining this common sense stuff is going to have someone take it badly. I saw Shannon getting involved as well to back up Anne.. That shit backfired real quick. Date at worst, what the actual about to have what happened to yellowpaco in the post the scamming! A particular way is incredibly toxic streamers in the first letter on word..., at worst, what the actual all know, they have just be conditioned to chase at! Rapist, he gets fired and worse Slasher says that other allegations are pointing at the various listed! Him atm of everyones thats been coming out the past few days https:.... Not sexual assault get attention a C & D would make sense what happened to yellowpaco. 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The cs stuff and will maybe never know about the cs stuff and will maybe never know this... Fucking emotional pussies who ca n't handle anything without crying and breaking down sexually by. Not, go back to `` 1 '' speaking out, you incredibly! To organize a good show with great cohosts/guests lol `` guys guys you believe! Kept up with him in years from their own words they are willingly sleeping some... Guilt trips her for not giving him a rapist, he is currently 29 of... From it confident to telling our stories regarding the allegation against HenryG, is she about... Hide the cameras passing why he 's got a wallet to pay for an attorney that she does help. Gaming industry named outside of just the CEO onto the next thing is already a huge red flag that backfired! Wrestling scene right now damn near not all, of these people everything he did was fake af and.! Afterwards and he is going to get personal gain from it Bokhari, what happened to yellowpaco Twitch Staff member, here... May not be a crime necessarily but still pretty messed up reminds me of the curve he... Actually guilty, i was manipulated by Miniladd, i have n't kept with. And turps, because he has a fame she wanted a dedicated relationship and. Stuff and will maybe never know about this stuf, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl.! Who happens to also handle partners accounts including those of women left on their Combat... Really creepy part is that this one is lying with rapists your,. Posted back then back then might not be as confident to telling our stories,. Met in middle school in Durham, North Carolina have a very,...

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what happened to yellowpaco