all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition


If the nausea is very intense, then feed them some yarrow to vomit. Used to kill a cat who cannot be saved, Deathberries/Yew Berries- Kills a cat in a matter of minutes. - Developed on: 2020-12-07 - 2,009 taken - 4 people like it. Fever: Have the patient eat borage leaves and have them sniff lavender. It was a typo in the first series, and is simply the original name for Greencough. If a lot is ingested then it can cause severe stomachache, lethargy and drooling; it wont kill an adult cat, but it will kill a kit, Examine the physical state of your patient, Remember the patients symptoms and complaints, Analyze which symptoms are the most noticeable, Ask your patient on other suspected complaints, Determine a course of treatment for the complaints that stand out the most, Follow-up with your patient after the treatment to guarantee that the treatment is a success, Fever-Have the patient eat borage leaves and have them sniff lavender. : Scratch up some chamomile into small pieces. Remake the same poultice every three days, and the cast must stay on at all times, which can take over a moon if it is severe enough. Put it on wherever the chill is worst and lick their fur the wrong way to warm them up. Make sure to clean the patients wound with a damp piece of moss to get all dirt and debris out. Broken tooth: Teeth can be prone to cracking and are able to fully break off the root. Place the marigold poultice over the desired area, the honey facing the wound. Place the three herbs on top of each other and chew on them until they have an almost paste-like texture. Form used in: applied using a stick. Chew it up into a thick paste, then place it into a small amount of water, and mix it around. It causes writhing, pain, and foaming at the mouth, (Id also like to leave a note that Apple seeds are also very toxic to cats), Gather some fox dung and place it near and around patches of herbs to keep rabbits and any other animals away from the plant, Soak wilted leaves in water. Paint the honey over the poultice and put it over the desired area, with the honey facing the injury, and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the poultice, adding some catchweed burrs to the ends of the cobweb. Put the comfrey in some water and stir it, and make sure it has a thick, moist consistency. It also grows in WindClan, but is a bit more scarce in ShadowClan. Eventually, theyll feel better, Wailing/Yowling- Dont do this if your patient has a sore throat. Have them wade in water if possible, Remedies without herbs and other techniques-, Nip or poke your claw- Gently poke your claw on a cats bone to test to see if its broken or not. There is no real cure in the Clan world, Broken tooth- Teeth are prone to cracking and able to fully break off the root. The knot should disappear within 2-3 days, Venom in the eyes- Gather a wet moss ball and thoroughly clean the patients eye out. A sweet, golden-coloured liquid made by bees. They should be carefully monitored for signs of malnutrition and dehydration. Elders and kits have a higher risk of death when they get chills. Dab the moss onto the patients eye, then close their eye for a few seconds to make sure the extract seeps into their eye. A medicine cat may not fall in love or take a mate. Do I still feel those feelings the morning after? Some herbs and herb combinations will cause them to bleed more or prolong the kitting. The cat must rest for several days. Keep them in your den until the fleas are gone, Dislocated shoulder- It is important to have your patient not move, not even an inch, as it can make the injury worse. This is commonly seen in elders and Queens. Snake Root: Warmer areas, however some grow in cooler areas. Mild stomachaches can be treated with juniper or watermint, but give them a small dose of willow leaves just to be safe. Note: this is all Warriors lore and is not meant to represent actual gameplay. Once the medicine cat are done kneading, chew on the mush until it is formed into a soft, wet pulp. The patient should only chew on the poultice. ALFALFA Used to prevent tooth decay. May. Only use this as a last resort. This is a very important part of a medicine cat's life, which a lot of lists seem to leave out. If the cat is not treated immediately, it will most likely die. Aching joints poultice: Gather ragwort and juniper berries, crush the ragwort leaves into small bits, and smash the juniper onto the crushed ragwort. Give them a checklist such as, is there a reason to believe something is wrong? They are chewed into a thick poultice and spread onto the wound, Time of growth- All year round; ideally they are best collected in leaf-fall, Stops a Queen from producing milk. Joint Dislocation: This is the displacement of a bone from its normal joint. [11] The result can range from mild to severe. Some cats are even allergic to fleas. If the nausea is so intense then feed them some yarrow to vomit. The patient needs to stay in their nest with no movement for a little over a moon. Do not break the blisters, and do not apply any types of ointments to the burn as they will infect it. They are highly respected by all the Clans. It is a very severe omen, but it is rare. May also be used to cool patients with fevers. Have another cat hold the patient down in front. There can only be one deputy and only one leader. Have your patient rest all day. This causes irritation and can create very small wounds, which could develop into an infection, and then possibly a disease. Broken bones: This is when the bone of a certain part of the body is shattered into two or more pieces. It can also be found in empty clearings near ferns and rocks. If they feel any pain it is broken, or if you feel a crack. [63] 3. A medicine cat cannot have kits. 1 Herbs: 1.1 Traveling herbs; 2 Poisons; 3 Herb Care; 4 Types of Herb Mixtures. After a while, the paste should have turned into an ointment. Severe broken tooth: Wash the cat's mouth thoroughly, especially the hole in which the tooth used to be. Ideal to collect in mid green-leaf, Produces healthier milk in greater quantity; also helps treat fevers, stomachaches, and relieves tight chests, Used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds, Time of growth- All year round. Raspberry Leaves: Raspberry bushes. Gather some yarrow and chew on it until it is formed into a thick paste. Price: 50 A Use: Restores 100 HP to one ally. Used for: queens when kitting, bellyache, and infected wounds. Allergies: Allergies can make an appearance when the cat has a negative reaction to a particular type of herb, prey, pollen, fur, or dust. If the illness is severe, have them stay in the den, but make sure to keep them far away from where the medicine cats keep the herbs, as the herb scents can cause headaches and could make the cough even worse. Or you can go by which specific use they have. Small pieces are the key to successful eating. Chew and mix the herbs together until it forms a tight bond and then give to the patient. The severity of the injury depends on the depth of the burn. Make sure to be very gentle when taking them out so that they dont fall apart. Put the paste into a leaf that has warm water, and mix it around for a little while. A medicine cat is allowed to cross other Clan territories. Anxiety: Fatigue, restlessness, sweating, hyperventilation, irritability, racing thoughts or unwanted thoughts, trembling, and possible nausea. Have them stay out of the sunlight. What are the herbs used in warrior cats? Rub on the cats body to get rid of fleas, or put it in ones nest, Use to kill ticks and fleas found in cats pelts, Usage/To Use- The liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto the fur, Location- Can be found anywhere there are mice present, Usage/To Use- Store the leaves in a dry area until the time of usage. warriorcats20years - Free Twenty Years Collar. Mild stomachaches can be treated with juniper or watermint, but give them a small dose of willow leaves, just to be on the safe side, Leg dislocation- Feed your patient an appropriate amount of poppy seeds and wait for them to fall asleep. Elders and kits are at more of a risk dying when they get a chill. A severe fracture is when the bone is shattered into two or more pieces or completely crushed, and when this happens the patient will most likely never be healed, Shock (Physically)- Shock can occur and be a life-threatening result due to blood loss and or highly severe pain. Medicine Cats can't have a mate,or kits. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Gather some tansy and more yarrow, and chew them both into a poultice. Using my guidance, you will be able to complete the Holiday Gift Bringer Event easily. Effect: Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Type. Rub the pulp onto the cats pelt. Heres the herbs used in the Warrior Cats books if you need a reminder! The victim may or may not end up having their fur grow back. Have the cat return to very light duty after they have been rested, Nausea- Feed the patient some chamomile, and have them consume juniper or watermint. Poultice: a material that is applied to a part of a cat's body to relieve pain, itching, swelling, etc. A medicine cat's main job is to heal their fellow Clanmates of their wounds and sicknesses. If blood vessels are damaged, the arm and paw will feel cold and turn a bluish color. Head to the cat editor screen. Dislocated shoulder: It is important to have the patient not move, not even an inch, as it can make the injury worse. Place the cats paw in water if needed. Medicine cats are members of a Clan who treat diseases and injuries. Ill cats who can eat should only be given small morsels, such as mice, voles, and birds (the bird needs to be carefully defeathered). Put the horsetail paste into some warm water, and mix it around. If the queen is not in the Clans camp by the time she has to give birth, make sure that there are a couple of guard cats surrounding her. Reply. First degree burns/Sunburn: Apply some honey to the burned area and wrap a thick layer of cobweb around the honey, adding a catchweed burr to the ends of the cobweb. A normal amount of poppy seeds won't help much with the pain of a dislocated shoulder, but it is recommended to feed them some to take the edge off and relax them. Once theyre into little pieces, chew them up until they are in a fine mush, then put them into a small amount of water, and stir. Is it possible that it will happen? Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Kit cough: Coughing, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and a mild fever. This article was not written by any currently active member on the wiki and instead was written by someone on the old wiki before the article was imported here. This can either be caused by stress or something more serious. Have one cat restrain the cats hind legs, so its easier for you to relocate the shoulder. Cracked paw pads ointment: Clean the patient's paw pads thoroughly with a lick to ensure that all dirt is removed. How at ease am I with these emotions?". The game was first released on August 15, 2019 for beta testing and was officially released on May 7th, 2021. Next, put mouse bile onto a ball of moss and dab it over the affected areas. Chills: Chills are mostly associated with cold weather or being exposed to cold water. A medicine cat may only retire when their apprentice is ready to take their place. Inhaling too much smoke and being bitten by a venomous animal. Before applying, make sure to get a ball of wet moss and dab it lightly on the wound and around it to clean out dirt and debris. If the pain is mild, they will recover within the next two days, but give them another dose of tansy and remake the poultice. Tansy: In the forest near Twoleg places. Determining a fever: Put your nose to a cat's paw to check for fever. Rest your other paw on the base of the patients spine. Stubborn or very ill cats can be offered the blood of fresh prey. Have them wade in water if possible. The next day, the patient should feel better and be put back on duty. If only a small amount of poison is consumed, then the cat usually just gets a stomachache, but obviously larger amounts will cause death, This is a displacement of a bone from its normal joint. It is to be noted that when there is not enough time to make a proper pulp, Catmint can also be used as a quick but slightly less efffective cure for Greencough, Heavy breathing pulp- Shred some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint. Severe flea bites: Clean the patient's pelt thoroughly with a wet ball of moss to clean and help get rid of the swollen areas. Give them a checklist, such as "is there a reason to believe something is wrong?" Kitting: Lick a kit the wrong way as soon as the medicine cat nips the kitting sac off to ensure that the kit starts breathing and stays warm. Moderate cases will have a piece of the tooth broken off but still intact. . It will also produce mucus which makes it difficult to breathe. Avaliability: OG/NP Price: 750 A Use: OG: Restores 450 HP to one ally . Borage Leaves - used to treat fevers and helps nursing mothers with their milk supply. Fleas are highly contagious. The game was officially released on May 7th, 2021, and is published by the Coolabi Group and Aldrich-Callen Studios.[1]. Fleas: Severe itching, red spots, and swollen spots. Recommended if the cat has a cough, Thorn in paw pad- Lick the area around the thorn to loosen it, then grasp it with your teeth and pull. Keep busy! Give them a couple of poppy seeds if needed. Grab some moss and soak it in water and cleanse the area. I got all of these from teh Wiki page of WCUEThe Wiki page! Get a comfrey root and chew into a small poultice and apply to the wrenched claw. The cat must rest for several days. Recommended to flush it out with running water. honorarna rabota skopje. If it is severe, it can take a little over a quarter moon (1-2 weeks). If possible, have them wade in warm water. Give some juniper berries if needed, Trouble breathing- Mix some coltsfoot, thyme, and catmint together, and feed to your patient, Upset stomach by poison- Treat painful stomachaches with stinging nettle or yarrow; allow your patient to vomit onto a dock leaf. 4. Crush the marigolds until they are in very small pieces and chew them into a thick poultice. A queen's pregnancy will last a little over two moons. Soft roots are very old and have lost their healing qualities, while hard roots are not ripe enough, If one of your herb plants seem to be growing a lot slower than normal, take a leaf and put some water on it to water the plant. Dig holes in the ground and place the medicine cat's herbs there; cover them with fern fronds to keep them fresh. Wrenched claw poultice: Make sure to lick the patient's claw thoroughly before applying the poultice to get out any kind of dirt or dried blood. Poultice for wounds: Gather horsetail, goldenrod, and marigold. Bee sting pulp: Give the patient some chamomile to let them calm down, and then gently take the stinger out with the teeth. Aching joints: Damp and/or cold environments cause aching joints. Certain types of viruses, bacteria, and parasites is how the disease is transmitted, Weakness- A decrease of one or more muscles in the body, meaning that the patient will lack strength. Give them a couple more poppy seeds after they wake up in case they are in pain, Loss of appetite- Encourage your patient to eat small amounts of prey. Feaverfew - used to cool feverish cats and treat head pain. If only a small amount of poison is consumed, the cat usually just gets a stomachache, but larger amounts will cause death. Firmly grab your patients paw and slowly, but firmly, pull on the arm. Get a stick and put it in front of her so she can chew on it. Catmint - For white cough and Green cough. Do the same with the comfrey, then put them together. Feed her a borage leaf to help the milk come quicker. It is named after one of its symptom which is to cough up blood. Only allow them to eat soft prey, such as plump mice and fish. Analyze the dreams that occur in daily life: If the medicine cat dreamed of a newly made apprentice catching a very specific piece of prey (e.g., a magpie without a tail), and if a newly made apprentice returned from their hunt with a magpie without a tail, then this is something that must be considered. Choose which herbs you give to a kitting queen wisely, or give none if truly necessary. Put it onto wherever the chill is worst and lick their fur the wrong way to warm them up. Seeds are best collected when they have freshly fallen off their plant. The harsher the symptoms are, the less of a chance that the cat will recover with full vision. Apply a cold, damp moss ball to the bites several times a day to prevent swelling. Victims who eat this will start to foam at the mouth, Location- Commonly in forests, but can be found in small ravines. Roblox Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition, is a role-playing game that allows you to live out the life of a cat based on the fantasy series books, "Warriors". Chew some blackberry leaves into a mush, add it to water, and stir. Create a broken bone poultice and apply it to the desired area. This article is entirely fanmade and is not official. Even if the medicine cat's juniper berries are shriveled up, its best to keep them in the medicine cat's stock until the medicine cat(s) collect fresh berries, as they are very valuable. The patient will most likely be in shock or at least have anxiety, so feed them some juniper, and have them lay down in a flat, though comfortable position. 2. The Winter Update (Week 4) has officially hit the game! The reaction can range from mild to severe. Have the cat rest for a few days, until the worst of the pain fades. Your patient must rest for several days, and you need to keep a close eye on them. Gather some cold, wet moss and apply it to the shoulder to minimize inflammation. It is mandatory to take immediate treatment when this happens, Shock (Emotionally)- Sometimes happens when a cat witnesses a traumatic or terrorizing event. Get some honey and smother it on the marigold poultice. Apply the poultice to the poisoned area, swathe it in cobwebs, and add a catchweed burr on top. Cats with damage on the surface of the iris will not regain vision. warrior cats: ultimate edition in Experiences; warrior cats: ultimate edition in People; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Avatar Shop; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Groups; warrior cats: ultimate edition in Creator Marketplace Cures cough; could be used to cure wounds and extract poison; stops cats from catching greencough; soothes sore throats and wretched legs; may be used to hide a cats scent. Apply the poultice to the area where the cat is in pain. It is possible that the tooth will decay. This article is entirely fan-made and is not official. Get some celandine and squeeze its juices onto a ball of moss. Weakness: A decrease in one or more muscles in the body, resulting in a lack of strength in the patient. Checking up on the health of the Clan cats, daily, especially queens, kits, and elders. It is StarClans way of saying that the gathering is over. )[3] Kits are the main victims of this, as they are curious and unaware of how dangerous they are. Chew on some fennel stalks to release the juice that is inside of them, put it on a clean moss ball, and dab it onto the cat's eye. You will then get to choose to be a Warrior, Medicine, or Clan Leader cat. Knead the damp herb until the petals have turned into a fine mush. Broken Bones - Wrap in cobwebs, put on comfrey pulp, use poppy seeds to dull pain. Non-venomous snake bite: Clean the wound thoroughly with a damp moss ball, and, if needed, put the wound into water. Dock leaves do not grow well in mountains, and it is mostly found in leafy, overgrown areas such as ShadowClan and ThunderClan territory. Eat to soothe sprains. If the nausea is caused by hunger, then make sure to give them some prey. Wrap the cast with a thick layer of cobweb. Rub the comfrey ointment onto the desired area, Cracked paw pads ointment- Lick to clean the patients pads thoroughly to make sure that all dirt is out. Once the thyme is crushed, add it to the willow bark water, sprinkle some poppy seeds over the extract, mix a little more, and feed to the patient. The Clan becomes the medicine cats highest priority. Cobwebs, a sticky web used to cover wounds to stop bleeding? Poultice for swelling: Have the patient wade through some water, then, gather some stinging nettle leaves and chew them into a poultice, and place the poultice wherever the cat hurts. Discern recurring thoughts in your dreams in daily life- Lets say that you are having recurring thoughts such as: They are going to outcast me Or I cant do this Next you need to ask yourself if you were having these thoughts constantly in the dream. Pain fades first series, and, if needed, put on comfrey pulp, Use poppy to... The severity of the injury depends on the surface of the body is shattered into two or more in! Mild stomachaches can be treated with juniper or watermint, but larger amounts will cause death effect: the... Eat borage leaves and have them sniff lavender Use they have an almost paste-like texture for wounds: gather,. Honey facing the wound medicine cat may only retire when their apprentice is to. Job is to heal their fellow Clanmates of their wounds and sicknesses one or more muscles in the gather... Is named after one of its symptom which is to cough up blood the comfrey some... Patient 's paw pads thoroughly with a damp moss ball, and then give to a who! 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all herbs in warrior cats: ultimate edition