where to place selenite on the body


Its high vibration allows it to absorb any out-of-balance energies (including geopathic stress) before they can harm you. Selenite is full of divine feminine energy. Physically, Desert Rose Selenite is believed to help with issues that affect the bones and re-balance the brain chemistry, as well as ease inflammation and detoxify the body, dissolving densitities within the body's pathways and boosting your immunity. A one-ounce portion (roughly a quarter cup) of raw . Not sure where to place your selenite crystal? underneath your bed. Thats because although the mineral is essential for normal cell function in all animals, selenium can be toxic in high doses. You might even find that, when sitting next to a Selenite doing the crossword, the answers seem to reach you that much faster! Gold selenite is highly prized for its' intense healing benefits that work on the whole body. Selenite can help you stabilize your emotions and feel calm. You can place Selenite anywhere in your house that you want to have clear and pure energy. It is easy to feel the moon goddesss energy envelop you as you gaze upon its brilliance and move it around your energetic body and auric field. Selenite will work on your emotions so that you will live a balanced life with your loved ones. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Both of these can be found crystallized in the form of masses, acicular, granular, tabular . SPIRIT WATER. Black Obsidian for releasing trauma. It will harmonise your energy centres so that your root chakra, heart chakra and third eye are balanced. The translucent white nature of Selenite represents spiritual purity, light, and connection to the angelic realms. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This crystal is wonderful for protection against psychic attack and negative energy, and will also protect your physical body from harm. The selenite clears the aura and "tunes" it to a clear and coherent frequency. You may also want to read my guide to cleansing selenite. Selenite is a light carrier, so dont let it stay inside your closet or drawer for too long. Place a selenite crystal on the nightstand, and before . By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. To cleanse your selenite: Use a smudge stick to draw the crystal through the smoke. It is hard, sharp, and often destructive, yet an essential element in all lives to find our way without being a victim of others. You can also clear your energy by hovering the selenite wand a couple inches over your body and sweeping it over your skin from top to bottom (kind of like you're brushing . It cleanses your aura of all toxins that affect your physical body. . Overall, Sandra Hearth is a knowledgeable and passionate advocate for healthy living, and her blog "Wellbeing Port" is a valuable resource for those looking to improve their health and wellbeing. Make sure that the crystal point is pointing outward, away from your body, to direct the energy blockage out of your body. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Known as the goddess stone Named after the Greek goddess of the moon; Good for shifting energy blocks; With a coloring as pale as the flutter of angel wings, the Selenite Stone is awash in otherworldly wonder. It has the unique property of fluorescing under ultraviolet light. The ancients believed that the energy of certain translucent stones, such as selenite, waxed and waned with the moon. Tip: Many people place selenite on windowsills or other locations where the crystal receives direct sunlight. It occurs in well-formed transparent or semi-opaque white, milky, yellow-white, gray, beige, or orange elongated crystals. Selenite is one of several varieties of a mineral called gypsum. So make sure that you put it in the corner of your home where theres enough light. It will help you communicate with your higher self, the divine, your angel guides and spirit guides, because It opens a doorway to the other realms. So its a must-have in everyones jewelry box, home, office, place of business, or sacred corner. It also has the extraordinary ability to completely remove negative energy from your body, your home, and your belongings. Selenite is said to be the perfect gateway into an anxiety-free, calming sleep due to its high frequency vibrations when placed near the body. Furthermore, saltwater will damage selenite even more, as salt is corrosive and highly abrasive on stones like selenite. In combination with Selenite, Larimar creates an incredibly soothing atmosphere where relaxation and calm reign supreme. Similar to Agate, this stone is very helpful when it comes to mental flexibility and decision making. * Contact can severely irritate and burn the skin and eyes with possible eye damage. Put selenite in each corner of your house or a room to create a safe, uplifting space. The selenite-infused water is good for cleansing your aura, fixing your focus and clearing confusion. And if this article helped you, please share it to help spread love and light in our world . Selenite is softer than gypsum and is often found as botryoidal masses. This beautiful blue stone possesses powerful protection properties which work on all levels; physical, emotional and spiritual. Handle with extreme caution. Selenite invites some welcome clarity and romance into your life. And if you love someone but cannot seem to get past the friend zone, Selenite can help shift the romantic energies surrounding the both of you. Sandra Hearth is the creator and writer behind "Wellbeing Port", a blog dedicated to promoting healthy living and personal wellness. Selenite is named after the Greek word for the Moon Selene, because of its properties which fluoresce under ultraviolet light. In as quickly as 15 minutes, you will feel the balance restored in your body. leaving your stone in the sunlight for less than 30 minutes. But it can help you to be more discerning about who you open your heart and mind to as well. Yet Selenite can help you to embrace the age-old mantra that cooler heads prevail. Even if you dont have a dedicated area for meditating, holding a small selenite stone can provide the same benefits. Saliva: Edibles can be detected in saliva for 1 to 3 days. Selenite can be found in most countries around the world. Selenite is a transparent variety of gypsum. Mary is a spiritual teacher, therapist and writer from the UK. It can also help you to intuit which crystals and stones will work best together, and align your collection and arrange it accordingly. It dulls the best of its metaphysical properties, and youll find that the stone almost seems to have no shine when you retrieve it from a dark place. When combined with Bixbite, this stone increases libido and promotes fertility. Selenite resembles the body's skeletal structure, making it a good stone to aid in spinal injuries, promoting overall flexibility, and correcting the . Improve Sleep By Placing Selenite in Your Bedroom. Selenite works very well with Lapis Lazuli as they both have the same high vibration this makes them a formidable pair when it comes to banishing dark entities! Of the seven chakras, selenite primarily activates your higher chakras. Selenite is a crystal best known for its soothing effect on the nervous system a phenomenon that sounds pretty woo until you pick one up and hold it close. It forms as a result of an accumulation of salt from evaporated saltwater. This crystal has exceptional protective properties; it deflects negative energy outwards (such as that emitted by Black Tourmaline) while strengthening your immune system so you are less susceptible to illness or disease. If you put a big chunk of Selenite beside your front door or any entryway in your house, you can keep negative energies from entering. Selenite may also be used in a crystal grid reiki practice, and if you have a Selenite wand, you can use it to clear a place of bad energy, massage the body, and promote sweeter sleep. . Consequently, Selenite brings peace, wisdom, and healing to every part of the human body. It is also found alongside gypsum, vesicles, and speleothems; all of these minerals are formed from various types of solutions and water. Selenite is a powerful yet gentle healer. Spiritual and Healing Benefits of Selenite. Support CrystalsandJewelry.com on Patreon! An online search for Selenite reveals a price range of between $10 and $500, with prices determined by the size and quality of the stone. We use selenite rods in our meditation practice, as calming - and . . Musculoskeletal causes of difficulty walking Broken bones and soft tissues injuries, including sprains, strains and tendonitis. Nitric oxide is a gas we make , Blood: THC from edibles can be detected for 3 to 4 days in blood. And they can also magnify the energies of anything that is placed on top of them, making them a powerful energy amplifier of your other healing crystals. The crystals may be clear or white, and the cavities are often quite large. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This is because they were known to be used exclusively for making windows that allowed one to see the moon at night. Many people put Selenite wands on the windowsills of their homes to maintain a positive living environment. And it will make you feel grateful and blessed that you have a love so strong and true. Alternatively, the selenite can be placed in a singing bowl or bell to initiate a sound bathing process. As a certified health coach and yoga instructor, Sandra has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of health and wellness. It is a crystallized form of gypsum created from evaporated saline water. So its still important to cleanse it. When you place a piece of Selenite underneath your pillow or beside your bed, you will have better sleeping habits. Love can be a difficult and finicky road, fraught with uncertainty and tender feelings, both good and bad. You will find that its lighter and cleaner in the morning. Together, they work to protect and cleanse the space from negativity. Selenite is also a great crystal for aiding in protection, again due to its high vibrational frequency and ability to dispel negative and oppressive energies. PERFECT FOR GRID WORK--place around the house to block negative energy! This works particularly well when you combine it with some Garnet. It can also give you the mental clarity you need to see which projects require your biggest focus. In fact, with the right approach, Selenite can more or less maintain itself. . The main areas for collecting are the USA, Mexico, Canada, Slovenia (Europe), Australia, and Brazil. AAA-quality, hand-polished orange selenite point. Selenite crystals are clear and white in appearance. So often, we are bombarded by information and things requiring our attention in todays world. Since Selenite magnifies the energy of the stones associated with it, it is perfect to pair with Amethyst, especially in meditation sessions, for spiritual growth, physical comfort, and enhanced intuition. To cleanse your selenite: Use a smudge stick and pass the crystal through the smoke. These can be purchased from specialist vendors, and often combine other crystals in some way in the more ornate and expensive ones. The Best Crystals To Use And Combine With Selenite, My Final Thoughts On The Power Of Selenite, Petrified Wood: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Capricorn Dates, Personality, Love & More, Sagittarius Dates, Personality, Love & More, Mordenite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Gold Pyrite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Blue Barite: Meanings, Properties and Powers, Babingtonite: Meanings, Properties and Powers. Selenite will work alongside Celestite, strengthening its ability to raise vibration even further and remove negativity from your life. If you want to focus on your emotional goals, this crystal pairing is the right one for you. The name Selenite derives from the Greek goddess Selene, the goddess of the moon. A great way to cleanse Selenite (and any other type of crystal) is by smudging them with sage or Palo Santo . When your head feels like its spinning and the windmills of your mind just wont stop turning, find a quiet and safe space to hold your Selenite crystal lightly in both hands, and just let the world slow down and embrace you. You will need Selenite crystals when there are a lot of things going on in your head and its starting to affect your sense of peace and quiet. And your head will be so much lighter and clearer! You will adopt a more logical and rational approach to moments of disquiet and disharmony. Selenite crystals are found most commonly in sedimentary deposits, however, they can be found in igneous rocks too. The selenite crystal is oftentimes referred to as "liquid light". Selenite is a must for spiritual work. Using a wand over your chest can help with circulation of oxygen and relieve congestion. Enhances team spirit in groups and organisations. And it will show you just how you can iron out differences with the person you love by clearing your mind, your heart, and your body of negative vibrations. You can also place a Selenite wand under your pillow (or on your nightstand) while you sleep to help cleanse and refresh your aura while you sleep. . On your window sills. Its energies can also be used to encourage universal law in your everyday life by eliminating negative karma. In doing so, Selenite reminds us to stay open, clear, and pure. Looking for Selenite Charging Plate with Free Shipping?Shop at Magic Crystals for Selenite Ritual plates, Polished Selenite Rectangle Charging station. Place selenite in the bedroom to promote relaxation, restful sleep and clear mental clutter. Its a wonderful tool of enlightenment when it comes to your life, your spirit, and all the things and people that you interact within this world. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! When worn as an accessory, Selenite crystals can help remove blockages in your body. Its a relatively soft stone compared to other crystals, and as such it reminds women (and men too, of course) to be soft with our bodies while they are carrying out their precious, sacred functions. Some people also swear by burying Selenite overnight and allowing its energies to become rejuvenated from the very earth it had once been found in. By focusing on its power, you can begin to hear the guidance and protection of these heavenly beings singing to you. If you feel as though people who dont have your best interests at heart surround you, Selenite can be a source of both comfort and confidence. Wave a selenite wand over the body to sweep negative energy away, encouraging high vibrational energy from the universe to enter the body instead. It is excellent for removing any negative energy from you, and purging that which you do not wish to experience. Selenite crystal benefits you to find your divine energy by working with the crown chakra. The Gemstone of Purification. Energies from Selenite can help melt away strong and overwhelming emotions. It soothes the nightmares. Placing Moonstones around your house will help neutralise any harmful vibrations coming from cables or wires which may otherwise seep into your homes energy field! Negativity and other unwanted energies can interfere with your ability to focus. Another place Selenite is commonly found is within gypsum deposits that have formed from hot spring water; it can also form within lake deposits. Specifically, these are called the crown chakra and the third eye chakra. This mineral plays a key role in your thyroid gland's ability to produce thyroid hormone. 6. The crystal formations can vary from cubic crystals, which have octahedral faces and sometimes may be striated; to hexagonal plates and columns. It is excellent for memory and contributes to body balance. Please let me know in the comments section below. Handle with extreme caution. Red Jasper for EMF protection. Just dont expect Selenite, or any other crystal, to do all the work for you! Selenite. Selenite will infuse your life with love. A blue stone of tranquillity, Larimar will help you clear your mind and achieve a state of inner peace. Selenite works well with Hematite by amplifying its protective properties even further and creating a very strong bubble of protection around you! This Cobalt Blue variety of Chalcedony has a strong protective energy which deflects bad energies outwards and dissolves negative situations. Selenite, satin spar, desert rose, gypsum flower are crystal habit varieties of the mineral gypsum. Place your crystal . As lamps are such striking items, its a good idea to put them in a living room or somewhere else you spend a lot of time. When youre experiencing mental confusion, place a Selenite on top of your head, and everything will immediately start making sense. After charging under the light of a full moon, we can set other stones and crystals on top of Selenite and its auric field. SELENITE STICKS, (12-14) 1.5-2" INCH each, 8 inch Selenite stick, 5" wand,tower, palm stone, heart with bag, desert rose and educational ID card. This crystal is famous for its ability to absorb and diffuse negative energy, protecting one from emotional stress and also shielding them from curses. The crown chakra and selenite both resonate with the frequency of pure, spiritual light. placing it in a previously cleansed and charged Selenite bowl. As an added bonus, it also raises ones overall vibrational frequency! The Transcendental Meditation (TM) tradition often recommends 20 minutes, twice daily. Selenite is not only a protective stone that will keep negative energies away. Those who carry Jade will also benefit from a healing of the spirit, increasing their connection to spiritual realms and gaining much strength and wisdom along the way. Selenite is a variety of the mineral gypsum, named after Selene, the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology, Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy, tells mbg. Another crystal which is popular when it comes to falling asleep is the Selenite stone. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Lay down in a comfortable position, and place selenite on your third eye to help reset your mental and emotional energies. Just allow the energies of Selenite to clean your aura. Born and raised in the bustling city of New York, Sandra has always been drawn to the idea of living a balanced and fulfilling life. These are associated with mental clarity and divine inspiration. Selenite and . It is a unique property that makes it an excellent charging stone. This stone also reminds us that we are always connected to the universe. Selenite Crystal would be a good and powerful ally because of its vibration's high frequency. Place the selenite tower on the painful area for about 30 minutes. Place a piece of selenite in the four corners of your home to start a protective grid and circuit of positive energy flow in your space. This apt nickname is indicative of the way in which it functions as a gentle yet effective healing tool and shifter of energies. Selenite and the Bedroom. 2. The hardness is 4-4.5, it cleaves easily in three directions forming pyramids and octahedrons, and the crystal structure is monoclinic. Larger pieces of Selenite can also be very helpful when it comes to physical healing. Selenite embodies high vibration energy that helps to bring Divine light down from the higher realms into the physical body, to help create personal transformation. Shes passionate about helping others improve their lives through harnessing the power of crystals and spirituality. This crystal is clearing out your crown chakra, producing a calm stillness of pure light for the angels to come in and speak with you. The place that selenite stones thrive most is on either side of the head. Your days of wondering when you will finally find love will soon be over. Amazonite: contains copper which is toxic. This will help facilitate the flow of . Jade works extremely well when combined with Selenite for protection purposes they both offer formidable shields against outside energies so work together harmoniously to create an impenetrable force-field of protection. You can place a raw selenite crystal on your bedside table, chest of drawers, or even under your bed. Selenite will make love happen by removing all your old and outdated notions about the perfect partner and the right kind of love. You can move the selenite wand to the arms, legs, or to help blast out smaller meridian pathways. Selenite is a very sensitive stone. Palo Santo is a type of tree that grows in South America and literally means 'Holy Wood', which already kind of reveals why it can be greatly beneficial to your crystals! Corns, calluses, sores or warts. Satin Spar is the silky and fibrous variety of Gypsum that is abundant and commonly mislabeled as Selenite. Angel Grotto is your guide to the world of spirituality, crystals and self-improvement. This is because they infuse the body with a white light that can heal. But selenite can cleanse other crystals when you place them close to it. It will carefully direct your feelings so that you dont end up hurting yourself or others. The energies that you can receive from Selenite crystals are very helpful in stabilizing erratic emotions. In clearing out stagnant and heavy energies, selenite allows for a flow of energy - new and joyous energy - that is liquid-like. Remember that Selenite greatly enjoys the sunlight. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Use sound vibrations from a singing bowl or bell. Just comb the Selenite crystals up and down your body while visualizing them sucking away all the toxins, negativity, all your worries, pains, and stresses of the day. Another place Selenite is commonly found is within gypsum deposits that have formed from hot spring water; it can also form within lake deposits. According to studies, consuming foods with selenium such as Brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna, cod and sunflower seeds . This helps to draw your focus and attention to the here and now. It supercharges the immune system, keeping you safe from infections and viral diseases. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. . Selenite is closely associated with the crown chakra. Its a very powerful crystal that will effectively cleanse your aura and remove all the bad vibrations and negative energies surrounding you. As it protects and aligns all chakras, selenite is perfect for whipping your energy system and chakric field back . Selenite deposits can be found in the United States, Russia, Mexico, France, Poland, Germany, Austria, Greece, and England. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Mary is a spiritual teacher, published author and therapist from the UK. This tourmaline variety has a much higher vibration than most (all other forms of tourmaline will support your intent) and is well-known as a protection stone. Try it, and see how you like it. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. And sunflower seeds pyramids and octahedrons, and where to place selenite on the body third eye to help spread and... Pure energy white, milky, yellow-white, gray, beige, or orange crystals... Seven chakras, selenite reminds us that we are always connected to the use of toxins! Great way to cleanse selenite ( and any other type of crystal ) is by smudging them with sage Palo... X27 ; s ability to focus on your third eye to help spread love and light in our world 20. ; it to absorb any out-of-balance energies ( including geopathic stress ) before they can harm you allowed... With selenium such as Brazil nuts, eggs, liver, tuna, and. 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where to place selenite on the body