safe harbor nursing examples


Safe Harbor, two words nurses use to protect themselves and the safety of their patients during times of unfavorable working condition. 24-Hour. You submit it to the BON. Twenty two nurses were investigated by the Nevada State Board of Nursing for alleged violations of the Nevada Nursing Practice Act, notably failure to safeguard patients (Black, 2011). They are at the service of the patient and the doctor or another medical supervisor. Commenting is limited to medical professionals. a.cpBtn:hover {background:#666;} (1999). These challenging situations can cause mental and physical fatigue leading to moral distress. SAFE HABOUR COMPREHENSIVE REQUEST FOR NURSING SAFE HARBOR PEER REVIEW (SHPR) ONLY SECTION I (pages 3-6) MUST BECOMPLETED BY THE NURSE WHEN INITIALLY INVOKING SAFE HARBOR A nurse's request for Safe Harbor Must be in Writing, however, use of this form is not required for a nurse to invoke Safe Harbor. How nurses advocated for their profession in the 86th legislative session. We conclude by considering implications for nursing organizations and nurses among these exemplars. The current position statement, Rights of Registered Nurses When Considering a Patient Assignment, (ANA, 2009) expressly states that nurses have the professional right to accept, reject or object in writing to any patient assignment that puts patients or themselves at serious risk for harm. The ANA position statement is an excellent resource to start. Cimiotti, J. P., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., & Wu, E. S. (2012). (2012). Please see our, You are being redirected to Medscape Education, Challenges to Adolescent HPV Vaccination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions to Promote Vaccine Uptake During the COVID-19 Pandemic: HPV Is Probably Not at the Top of Our List. We offer exemplars that illustrate policies that regulate the environment of practice, such as nurse staffing, musculoskeletal injury prevention, and failure to advocate, and discuss needed protections, including whistleblower protections in our state. By mid-morning, you have two disoriented step-down patients, including one who pulls out his IV and fights with his family, and your LPNs cant give IV meds. The safe harbor protects certain arrangements when an individual or entity agrees to refer a patient to another individual or entity for specialty services in return for the party receiving the referral to refer the patient back at a certain time or under certain circumstances. She has practiced nursing since 1976 and has experience in clinical nursing, administration and teaching in several clinical areas. Aiken, L. H., Cimiotti, J. P., Sloane, D. M., Smith, H. L., Flynn, L., & Neff, D. F. (2012). Remember that it could be you or a loved one in the patient room someday. Input from nurses is the foundation of this advocacy work to identify the need for policy change and make the case for why change is needed. The tenants of this project will benefit from the Rent Supplement Program, which will allow them to spend only 25% of their gross income on housing. During the most recent legislative session, TNA leaders negotiated bill language with the Texas Hospital Association that would have required workplace violence prevention plans with input from direct care nurses. In the first situation, the supervisor told me to do the best I could, and none of my patients died that night. Effects of hospital care environment on patient mortality and nurse outcomes. Effects of nurse staffing and nurse education on patient deaths in hospitals with different nurse work environments. (BJ) Strickland is from Tennessee. Safe patient handling U.S. enacted legislation snapshot. For example, prior to 2019, nurses were required to invoke safe harbor in writing and notify the supervisor to receive the protections from employer discipline or board sanction. This article will begin by briefly addressing the role of nurses in advocacy to advance professional practice, and offer background information about the changing healthcare industry that has influenced the example of advocacy we discuss. Nurse(s) Name(s) invoking Safe Harbor: 2. This encompasses a wide range of potentially dangerous situations and criminal activity, including tampering with medical records, putting the patient, the nurse or another persons life in danger, or committing a crime of some sort. Often policy change involves an incremental approach that requires persistence. They reported first to hospital administration and then to the Texas Medical Board after their concerns were not addressed. The association of registered nurse staffing levels and patient outcomes: Systematic review and meta-analysis. As gaps in protection are identified, nurses work to address them through policy change. Please enter a Recipient Address and/or check the Send me a copy checkbox. The American Nurses Association ([ANA], n.d., para. 192, 2011). American Nurses Association. The facility may not retaliate against the nurse who invokes the safe harbor. Many nurses may remember the times before cars had seatbelts and smoking in the nurses lounge was a common practice. New Mexico's law was inspired by a Texas law. She is active in policy development, actively negotiating legislative approaches to address nursing’s agenda. Examples: due to staffing and/or acuity of the patient(s). Nursing education programs first evolved outside of the general education system through hospital-based education for service models. Retrieved from, Thomas, M. B., & Willman, J. D. (2012). To invoke safe harbor, the nurse must notify the supervisor in writing that they are invoking safe harbor. The ANA (2015) adopted its first formal code of ethics in 1950 to express the values and ideals for the nursing profession. The nursing office says it has no one to help you for at least another 4 hours, if that. It is offered only as information about nursing topics of interest. doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000312773.42352.d7, American Nurses Association. most policy work involves collaboration among nurses and other stakeholders.Nursing practice is regulated at the state level, therefore most of the exemplars in this article are from Texas, our state. Nurse StaffingStaffing involves a process of matching and providing staff resources to patient care needs. Implementing nursing's report card: A study of RN staffing, length of stay and patient outcomes. The history of the American Nurses Association. Consider another situation: You are an experienced nurse. Nurses are warm, compassionate and forgiving to a fault. Policies that protect nurses who advocate for patients are a vital element of safe healthcare delivery. When you get to the unit, the charge nurse gives you a fast report on your assigned patients. The Texas Nursing Practice Actincludes several advocacy protections for nurses (Texas Occupations Code Chapter 301, 303, 304, 2019). Nurse staffing and patient, nurse, and financial outcomes. You not only have all 6 step-down patients, you are now charge over the other 18 beds. Retrieved from, Russell, K. A. Unfortunately, many nurses and many leaders will answer the question with some form of suck it up and do the best you can. And while I know that questioning an assignment, let alone refusing it, is hard, this is exactly what you must consider doing. Texas Nursing, 89(3), 7-9, 17. The federal level (CMS) requires certain staffing too. New York, NY: Dover Publications. Document carefully and use the experience to identify potential staff or policy needs and ways to respond to future such situations. In 2011, the Texas Emergency Nurses Association with the support of the states Nursing Legislative Agenda Coalition (a coalition of 17 nursing organizations), supported HB 703 and SB 295 which provided for enhanced criminal penalties for assaults against nurses. However, we recognize that there are stories from every state that highlight the valuable work of many nurses that illustrate individual and collective nursing organization advocacy. Nurses are not always in control of the care they provide, so its important that everyone understands the terms of safe harbor and when it may be invoked. Solving tough problems through innovation and proven methodology. Intended to improve the safety from physical injuries of both nurses and patients, SB 1525 was signed into law and took effect January 1, 2006. To help nurses better understand when to invoke safe harbor, the Board of Nursing lists the following types of situations in which safe harbor may be applied: Nurses should be aware of their rights on the floor, including their ability to refuse a request or invoke safe harbor when they feel that such a request would put their job on the line. I had a very similar question from another nurse recently where the NICU nurses were being used as sitters due to reduced NICU census. She has authored numerous publications focusing on nursing practice, advocacy, and care of persons with serious mental illness. (2004). She retired from the U.S. Army in 2015 as a Lieutenant Colonel. We offer these to affirm the work of these nurses and organizations as we celebrate nurses this year. Cates, A. The completion of this project is a great example that through the dedication and generosity of all the partners who are working together, we are succeeding in finding concrete solutions to . RN TO FNP TRANSITION | The First 6 Months. legislators had difficulty appreciating the reality of violence in healthcare settings.The compelling study results were published in 2016 (Texas Department of State Health Services, 2016) and the data supported efforts to pass legislation (HB 280) that funded grants for innovative approaches to reduce workplace violence in health care organizations. For example, dissatisfied with the staffing by patient acuity model legislated in the early 1990s, (Coffman, Seago, Spetz, 2002) members of the California Nurses Association successfully pressed 164 legislators to pass a prescriptive bill specifying the maximum number of patients to be assigned to a registered nurse in each patient care area (California Assembly Bill No. Advocacy in Nursing Regulation: Nurse Practice ActsThe original intent of nurse practice acts was the regulation of nursing practice through registration, now licensure (Russell, 2012). working mandatory overtime, accepting expanded patient assignments, etc. Texas Senate Bill No. My head nurse, who was off that day, phoned and accused me of deliberately trying to make her look bad to senior management. Health Affairs, 21(5), 53-64. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.21.5.53, de Castro, A. Successful advocacy requires the identification of concerns by individual nurses, coupled with leadership and persistence of nursing organizations with strength in numbers and a policy agenda. Nightingale, F. (1914). Are you unqualified to care for the patients assigned? She received an ASN from Angelo State University, a BSN and MSN from Queens University of Charlotte where she was recognized as the outstanding graduate student, and a PhD in nursing from University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from, Willmann, J. She has authored numerous publications focusing on nursing practice, advocacy, and care of persons with serious mental illness. Your email address will not be published. 2011 Session: A roller coaster ride for nursing. Retrieved from . When nurses find themselves in compromising situations, there are resources available to them and laws in place to protect the nurse and their license. Journal of Nursing Administration, 42(10), Supplement: S10S16. The nurse who invokes safe harbor may not leave the work setting without collaborating with the supervisor. The unit also has 18 general medical beds. TNA developed a strategy to obtain funding for a statewide study of health care organizations (including hospitals, free-standing emergency centers, long term care facilities and homecare agencies), to validate the extent of the problem and provide the foundation for future violence prevention initiatives. Nursing workload and hospital work environment variables, including culture, have a significant impact on the ability of the nurse to provide safe and appropriate care (Kane et al., 2007; Unruh, 2008). If you have legal questions, please speak with a licensed attorney in your area. In 2020, the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, let every nurse and professional nursing organization continue the forward progress that advocacy supports.Nurses know that a culture supporting collaborative, interdisciplinary practice that encourages both identification and reporting of problems and barriers to care delivery leads to optimum patient and nurse outcomes. Time now is 10:30 and you just begin your med pass. Most state/territorial nursing associations and state boards of nursing echo these statements and many states have statutes that protect nurses who point out unsafe conditions. Its a wrap! Brief explanation of why invoking Safe Harbor (It may be helpful to review rules 217.11 and 217.12): Signature(s) of Nurse(s) Invoking Safe Harbor: A nurse must invoke safe harbor before engaging the act in question. American Journal of Nursing, 110(3), 11. doi: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000368933.60442.41, Texas Board of Nursing. Although both bills failed to pass in 2011 (Willmann, 2011), similar legislation enhancing penalties for assault of emergency department personnel passed in the next legislative session (Willmann, 2013). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2013). Think about it this way: if you were a new airplane mechanic and were assigned to work solo on a new type of engine that you havent seen before, knowing that the plane was due to fly over 300 passengers and crew in 2 hours, would you do it without objection? 61-3A-1. Choose My Signature. Protections are imperfect, but that does not diminish their importance. This assistance is covered by the SHQ (90%) and the City of Montral . In Texas, a nurse may invoke safe harbor when the nurse believes he or she has been given an unsafe assignment by filling out a lengthy form, and a peer review committee at the facility must. (2016). California Assembly Bill No. If you dont have your own malpractice/professional liability insurance, you should invest in coverage immediately because the facility will likely try to shift blame for any patient injuries or deaths to the individual nurse. Nurses dont always have a lot of authority on the floor, so they need to learn how to protect themselves if someone asks them to do something that goes against their ethics or the law. This database includes measures directly related to nursing care and patient outcomes (Montalvo, 2007) such as: nursing hours per patient days; hospital-acquired infections and pressure ulcers; and skill mix (percent of total nursing hours supplied by different types of direct care providers). Thank you for this article. Nurse researchers are working to describe these relationships and provide guidance for effective staffing models. Your unit has a 6-bed intermediate care or step-down unit that is staffed at a "1 nurse to 3 patients" ratio. 476. (2015). The federal government provided $4.7 million for this project through CMHC as part of the Canada - Quebec Agreement on RHI. The shortage of qualified practicing nurses is not new. The BON Comprehensive Written Request for Safe Harbor Nursing Peer Review Form is a sample form that may be used to document the more in-depth information that the nurse must put in writing before leaving the work setting at the end of the work period. Black (2011) described what, at the time, was thought to be the largest documented patient nosocomial bloodborne pathogen exposure due to inappropriate reuse of equipment and syringes intended for single use. Protections can be eroded through subsequent legislation or agency rules, and enforcement mechanisms may be weak or non-existent. Evidence about workplace violence was needed to understand the scope of the problem in Texas as well. Your email address will not be published. Nurse participation in health policy was recognized with the inclusion of the nurse-as-advocate role, added in 1976. 5 pages, 2066 words But a nurse can invoke whats known as nursing safe harbor that absolves them of any liability when forced to engage in an activity that could put their career at risk. a Supervisor in Kindred Hospital in West Minister California has a Habit of assigning RN to a patient in 2 different departments, So when a call light is on 1 patient , you cannot see or hear your other patient, And if refuse this assignment , you are reprimanded by your superiors, The CNA rep also has no idea to battle this on going problem. (2007). (2000). To err is human: Building a safer health system. Safe Harbor (SH): A process that protects a nurse from employer retaliation, suspension, termination, discipline, . Ask for help and help your colleagues when they are facing an unsafe assignment. An estimated 12-18% of nurses leave the profession due to chronic back pain (Nelson & Baptiste, 2006). Nurses can invoke safe harbor, in good faith, to protect their licenses if they find themselves in compromised practice situations where it is not in the best interest of patients for them to accept an assignment, e.g. If a patient, supervisor or doctor asks the nurse to violate one of these rules, the nurse can invoke safe harbor before committing the act to ensure that they arent held legally responsible for what happens next. Nursing peer review conducted by any entity must comply with NPR Law and with applicable Board rules related to incident-based or safe harbor nursing peer review. Safe Harbor (SH): A process that protects a nurse from employer retaliation, suspension, termination, discipline, . Retrieved from, Black, L. M. (2011). 394. I am concerned for the patients safety and I need your help to find a safer way to take care of these patients. I cannot accept this assignment because my lack of knowledge or experience will put these patients at risk of harm. These exemplars describe the impact of nurse advocacy to influence policy that affects nursing practice or the practice environment. Citation: Martin, E., Zolnierek, C., (January 31, 2020) "Beyond the Nurse Practice Act: Making a Difference through Advocacy" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. please help the nurses reason legally to this unsafe patient services. (2013). Your unit has a 6-bed intermediate care or step-down unit that is staffed at a 1 nurse to 3 patients ratio. The profession of nursing has changed significantly in the 160 years since Florence Nightingales day, but her words still ring true today, Unless we are making progress in our nursing every year, every month, every week, take my word for it we are going back (Nightingale, 1914, p. 1). The BON Comprehensive Written Request for Safe Harbor Nursing Peer Review Form is a sample form that may be used to document the more in-depth information that the nurse must put in writing before leaving the work setting at the end of the work period. doi: 10.1097/01.NNA.0000420390.87789.67, Aiken, L. H., Clarke, S. P., Sloane, D. M., Lake E. T., & Cheney T. (2008). A., & Spetz, J. The Texas Nursing Practice Actincludes several advocacy protections for nurses. Nurse staffing advocacy. In the mid- to late-1990s, the American Nurses Association (ANA) led nursing efforts to identify measures that would link availability of nursing services to quality (ANA, 1997; Montalvo, 2007). Decision Tree for Invoking Safe Harbor and ACCEPTING an Assignment nursing supervisor violation of a nurse's duty to a patient, or a . doi: 10.1177/1527154408319287. When a potential situation arises either at the beginning of the shift or later on if conditions deteriorate try to identify exactly what the problem is. Good luck! Or go, try, risk making a mistake, and hope for the best? Ellen Martin, PhD, RN, CPHQ, CPPSEmail: Good luck! Everywhere industry meets environment, Clean Harbors is on-site, providing premier environmental and industrial services. Imagine this scenario: A nurse who has worked for 2 years in an adult medical-surgical unit reports for work and learns that she is assigned to work in neonatal intensive care that day. Nurse researchers play an important role in policy evaluation by studying the impact of policy changes.Such policies directly support nurse executives, often the decision-makers related to staffing, by offering a flexible approach to planning and budgeting nursing services. You cannot be responsible for patients in 2 different locations (units, departments) at the same time UNLESS a qualified provider is covering the other patient. Description Here at Alcumus we are currently seeking a Senior Dynamics CRM Developer to design, develop and test Dynamics CRM 365 components and third-party integrations. Share cases and questions with Physicians on Medscape Consult. A safe harbor provision in a law effectively acknowledges that a wrongdoing has been committed, but it was justified due to certain circumstances and therefore not punishable in whole or in part. Kane. Nurse researchers play an important role in policy evaluation by studying the impact of policy changes. She has practiced law in state and federal courts in Tennessee since 1996 with an interest in healthcare risk management, employment law and medical malpractice. What are the nurse's options here? I dont understand why any supervisor would put him or herself, the facility, the patients, and the nurses in this situation. (2002). Texas Board of Nursing (TBON, n.d.a) clarifies Safe Harbor as a nursing peer review process the nurse may initiate, under good faith, when asked to engage in assignments or conduct the nurse believes to violate Standards of Practice, Duty to Patient, or . She is an RN with Bachelors and Masters degrees in nursing and a Masters degree in history from Vanderbilt University. Texas Patient Advocacy and Whistleblower Protections, (Reproduced with permission of Texas Nurses Association.). Unfortunately, the legal system is just, not fair. North Carolina enacted the first nurse registration law in 1903. Occupational injuries and illnesses among registered nurses. A joint investigation by federal and state agencies revealed violation of standard infection control practices. A nurse may not feel as if they have the option of saying no or refusing to engage in these kinds of situations, so invoking safe harbor may be their only choice. I am so sorry you are going through this. Historical Information. Texas nurse staffing trends before and after mandated nurse staffing committees. We are looking for someone to be able to work closely with our business end . Has the assignment changed since you accepted it have you received new patients or has a patients condition deteriorated? For example, a telemetry unit in one small community hospital can compare its pressure ulcer and vacancy rates to a similar unit in another community hospital. Over the years, the core values of nursing have remained constant and principles upheld, while specific concerns have evolved and been clarified. Since the beginning of the profession, through individual and collective efforts, nurses have changed practice through policy most policy work involves collaboration among nurses and other stakeholders. They are not providing any cross training at all. Imagine that you are a new nurse, about six months out of school and working on a cardiac floor at a large teaching hospital. Im in the first stages of getting into nursing school and this article basically sums up my concerns and addresses them exactly! Legislative update: TNA protects nurses in 84th session. Acqeisising and accepting unsafe or inappropriate practices is equivalent to condoning unsafe practice. (Prov. Members with any question (not just those relating to practice) can take advantage of the online Member Helpline. Nurse practice acts guide and govern nursing practice. Recognizing this gap in protection, TNA worked with Representative Stephanie Klick, RN, one of two nurses in the Texas Legislature, to pass House Bill 2410 Oral Safe Harbor (Texas House Bill No. She is active in policy development, actively assisting policy committees in analyzing issues and developing policy positions. Nurse leaders should take note of Provision 6: acquiescing and accepting unsafe or inappropriate practices, even if the individual does not participate in the specific practice, is equivalent to condoning unsafe practice.. (2019). Name of person/supervisor (and title) making assignment or requesting the conduct: 5. While many nurses recognized the reuse practice as inconsistent with safe infection control practices, complacency among coworkers and fear of retaliation inhibited reporting of concerns. CORONAVIRUS HOTLINE 855.487.7221. Small, H. (2017). It is not enough to say that we want what is best for our patients; we must also do what is best for our patients. As a result, 115 patients at two endoscopy clinics were infected with the hepatitis C virus. Frequent bending and standing contributes to fatigue and may increase the risk of slips of falls. Nurses can invoke safe harbor, in good faith, to protect their licenses if they find themselves in compromised practice situations where it is not in the best interest of patients for them to accept an assignment, e.g. Nursing enjoys successful session: 2013 legislative session from a nursing perspective. Nurses engaged in a major 2005 legislative effort in partnership with hospitals and nursing homes. Yours is a specialization and you cant be transplanted to another area imagine if any of the adult care nurses were suddenly told they had to care for NICU patients without training and supervision. Registered nurses experience musculoskeletal injuries at a rate of 46.0 cases per 10,000 full-time workers, much higher than the rate for all occupations, 29.4 cases per 10,000 workers based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses. You tell the supervisor youve never worked oncology. Every nurse should be aware of the statutes and rules governing their profession. Examples: due to staffing and/or acuity of the patient(s). World Health Organization. This bill did not pass, and work is ongoing to ensure healthcare facilities implement robust strategies that protect not only nurses but all employees. You must declare any conflicts of interest related to your comments and responses. Neither the author or the website publisher are responsible for any actions a reader may take based on material in this article or on this website. During disaster situations, nurses often find themselves dealing with the challenges of potentially undesirable outcomes of providing care in compromised environments with lack of staff or supplies. In the meantime, make sure you document what you were told, who told you, what they said verbatim, when, etc. Retrieved from, Texas Legislature Online. Given the outcome and scope of the outcomes of successful advocacy, and the failure to advocate discussed above, it is important to address the need for advocacy protections. for Nursing Education. Cite this: A 'Safe Harbor' for Unsafe Nursing Assignments-Medscape-Apr26,2019. When you arrive for the day shift, you have a full house and you discover that one of the two step-down nurses is out sick. This was the latest of many staffing incidents at this facility. Rn, CPHQ, CPPSEmail: ellenemartin @ inspired by a Texas law eroded through subsequent or! 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