osa ogunda in ifa religion


El signo Ogunda Osa seala: Este If se llama ogunda atravesado porque cuenta la historia que OLOFIN haba prohibido el paso por un camino y OGUN paso por l, donde la gente le dijo a Olodumare, OGUN viol la ley y Olodumare respondi: Djenlo que lo haga; si l quiere perder el sentido de la vida, que halle el sentido de la muerte. Required fields are marked with *. LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO ALGO A ALGUIEN Y LO HARA QUEDAR MAL. Storage or technical access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. PERSONA QUE DICE QUE A USTED LE HA PASASDO UNA COSA POR ALGO QUE HIZO; USTED TIENE QUE CUIDARSE DONDE VIVE; USTED QUIERE IR AL CAMPO, TENGA, CUIDADO NO REGRESE ENFERMO, USTED LE ESTA DEFENDIENDO UN ASUNTO A OTRA, PERSONA QUE LO VA A HACER QUEDAR MAL; TENGA CUIDADO CON UNA INCADA EN, LA MANO; DELE GRACIAS A ORUNMILA; NO DESPRECIE AL QUE VAYA A SU CASA; A, USTED LE HA DE ENTRAR MUCHO TRABAJO; TENGA CUIDADO CON UN DOCUMENTO QUE, USTED VA A FIRMAR PORQUE HAY UNA TRAMPA; EN SU CASA HAY QUIEN LO VELA, PARA CUANDO USTED SALGA ROBARLE; NO SEA FIADOR DE NADIE; NO PORFIE, POR, AHI LE VIENE UN DINERO, USTED TIENE UN HIJO QUE SE LE VA A PERDER O EL, VAN A PRENDER; A USTED SU FAMILIA LA DABA POR PERDIDO; USTED ESTA, LLAMADO A HACER SANTO; USTED ES ALGO COBARDE; USTED SOO CON ORGUN Y, OLOFIN Y ELLOS QUIEREN ALGO, NO SE DESESPERE POR ALGUIEN Y DELE GRACIAS. My path is clearer, my wisdom is deeper and my heart is purer and all because I'm living in truth. It is the kind of manifestation that often is perceived as a miracle or as the answer to those prayers offered inOse. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. Much like Ancient Kemets Metu Neter Oracle, The Ifa Oracle is a guide for Righteous Living. If proverbs, stories, and poetry are not written down. The storage or technical access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. The Grand Priest of Ifa, the Babalawo or Iyanifas are the Priests and Priestesses of the Ifa Oracle that receive and . Iwori,the Deep Seer- is an elision ofiwa orimeaning the character of consciousness, or the inner essence of consciousness. In the odun Ofun Ogunda the religious must be very clear when carrying out any type of consecration so that in the future he does not commit the lack of respect of leaving Orula aside. With the help of a great man and spiritual advisor, I have faith from within that the path I am on is a great one. 15. ", - Dr. Steven Allwood, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, "Everything has changed for the better since 2011. You must understand that the Orishas come into your life to give you health, peace and tranquility and that despite the fact that ceremonies are made to accelerate or try to ensure that there are no obstacles in the person's destiny, only the goods that are be able to deserve. 4.- LOS GRANDES SECRETOS DE LAS AYAPAS Y DEL EYA TUTO. Ifa hears our prayers and gives us messages on those days as well so that even on a weekly basis we remain on track and know what to work on. This information has been gathered by Ifa priests for centuries through divination, real life situations and experiences. If teaches that reincarnation most frequently occurs within the immediate family of the child. Esto con la finalidad de instruir a nuevos y antiguos creyentes de esta hermosa religin. OSA MEJI. tanij by Awo Popoola Owomide Ifagbenusola Tambin te puede interesar:Tratado del Odun Ogunda Meyi. Irosunin its positive manifestation represents the effective use of genetic inheritance and family guidance (fulfillment of potential). OBATALA le contest: Yo lo que tengo es hambre, porque nadie me da de comer y nadie se ocupa de mi. According to Ra Un Nefer Amen, The Ifa Oracle is an Afrikan Religion descended directly from Ancient Egypts Metu Neter. Ancestors are the spirits of those who have come before us and have passed away; they are no longer here with us physically and have transitioned to the ancestral realm. In this way both the Metu Neter Oracle and Ifa Oracle provide a means by which individuals can interpret and respond to reality in a way that is meaningful to them and which also places them in alignment with their Divine Destiny and Spiritual growth since the days of antiquity in Africa. SPIRITUAL CONSULTATION (READING) & SPIRITUAL RESOLUTION (EBO). Understanding the source of disease is the first step in determining a cure. Oyeku,the Mother of the Spirit of Death- is an elision of the phraseO yeye Ikumeaning, Spirit of the Mother of Death. This workshop provides the viewer a practical and hands on educational experience. InIfathe concept ofIworiis associated with spiritual transformation symbolized by the element of fire. A seal is anything irreversible such as birth. Ifa University. As an English-language manual for IFA priests that provides important translations for the Odus, Orunmila's Words Don't Touch the Floor: IFA Odu Synthesis stands as a rarity in the IFA religion. IFA DE AMARRES. Ose, the Conquerer- is the source of abundance and fertility in the world. Scan QR code below to Donate Bitcoin to Ooduarere. You can make an appointment by calling (917)319-6863 between 10:00 am and 7:00pm. Oturupon deals with the spiritual consequence of lack of courage. His approach and methodology is based on spiritual training he has under gone in various places including Africa, Asia, South America, United States and The Caribbean. Okanran, the Beater of Sticks and Mats- means coming from the heart. The Odu is known as the sounding Osun. Humans decided to break the promise and started to kill the birds and eat them. InIfacosmology all birth, after the initial moment of Creation, is rebirth. The Mind, Body, and Soul is an ancient trilogy that is the key to longevity and success. This odu speaks of prosperity of life and Exaltation of life, if possible offering ofrituals, sacrifice and initiation to encourage fulfillment of life and happiness. PARA VENCER A LOS ENEMIGOS SE ECHA FANGO DE TIERRA MOVEDIZA O DE. In simple termsOyekuis darkness, the complete contraction of matter into what physics calls a black hole. The negative manifestation ofIrosunis either resistance to ancestral support, or self-denigration (resistance to developing potential). AQUI ES DONDE LOS AWO ALMACENAN PAPELES DE. Este es un If de chismes, en los cuales siempre estar enredado l, producto de muchos arays que tiene la persona (haga EBO). VIVE PIE DE UNA MATA ATORI. I've always been a spiritually engaged person, however since being introduced to Ifa*, I have found the foundation my spirit has been seeking. viii) Okanran Meji: Here is a warning not to scatter your attention. Ifateaches that abundance and fertility are the consequence of proper use of the power of the word in prayer (aladura). Chief Alj offers spiritual consultation and spiritual resolution services to nurture and maintain optimal spiritual health. - La muerte de uno, es la vida de otro. Usted no puede vivir con su madre, usted no iba a nacer, pues la madre hizo todo lo posible por abortar. Physics teaches that all seemingly orderly events appear increasingly chaotic when viewed up close. Orisa worship is connecting to the spiritual energy of a particular aspect of nature. El Odu OGUNDA MASA predice que la persona debe atenderse la vista, como tambin los riones, ya que se puede padecer de clculos, y no debe comer carne de cerdo. tratado enciclopedico de ifa *osa ogunda *osa kuleya + i o i i i i o i osa kuleya yibio yibio omo ologu iya mi odese baba mi lebo. Religious workers have few English resources, and the creative approach taken in this book will heighten its appeal to those involved in the faith's divination practices. The temple is a place of of Ifa, Orisa, and Ogboni worship. Se coge la cresta de un gallo, eyerbale de uyen de OGUN, cenizas del papel de las generales de los aray, Odu de los enemigos si lo tiene, Odu ofo. The pataki relates that Shango was a recognized If priestOne day, unsatisfied with what If had given him, he took a knife and broke the receptacle in two. If the immune system is weak, disease can lead to disability and death. Aqu : Habla de abandono o botar los guerreros. However, our spiritual health and well being are often neglected. AYAPA FINUSO. Por este If se puede tener un hijo que ser carne de presidio, por lo que se tiene que tener medida antes de que suceda. It is important to understand that while Orisa and Ifa work together for our greatest good they are two separate practices and entities. A spiritual consultation session occurs in two parts: Part I:The first part is a spiritual consultation (reading) with TheIfa* Oracle namernml* regarding the most pertinent information necessary for one to achieve spiritual balance and harmony, which provides an optimal opportunity for success. Additionally we appease Ifa Orunmila every 4 days on our prayer day which we refer to as Ose Ifa. Everything we see in the physical world is literally created by light. All egotism must, at some point, come face-to-face with reality (the individual is not the center of the universe). Ifateaches that if a person is unsure about their destiny they should live in alignment with the principles of good character because everyone is believed to be inherently good. Nothing happens by chance. En la Regla de Osha- If, religin Yoruba o Santera, el orculo adivinatorio llamado Diloggun, consta de 18 caracoles cauri (21 en el caso de Eleggu) cuya parte trasera ha sido removida, pasan por una ceremonia que les da la potestad de usarse como vehculo de comunicacin con los Orishas. Culminating with an insightful lecture about Ifa and Orisa. The temple is headed by Babalawo Fagbemijo Amosun Fakayode and Apetebi Oyaseye Fakayode. Literally. Se le da de comer lo que pida OGUN. . The head is where memories are stored, so by protecting the head, Osun preserves the past. In other words, although each If divinatory oracle, Dilogn and Ob, has particularities and ancestral secrets, all are interrelated by having the same principles of knowledge that regulate interpretations. OGUNDA MASA es un Oddun que presenta problemas con la familia, en cuanto a su unin, el cual para obtenerla necesita hacer obras (ver la relacin de obras de OGUNDA MASA). Resist those who attemp to disrupot your well-being. LA AYAPA EMBRUJO A LA HIJA MAS PEQUEA DE UNA OBINI, QUE LA HABIA, MANDADO AL RIO EN BUSCA DE AGUA.CUIDADO CON SU HIJOS MENORES NO SE LOS. No puede engordar porque se detruye. Plenty of great things will happen that will make life better. The term oddun refers to the oracular subsystem of If; known as "sign" to that of Dilogn and Letra to that of Ob. 2.- SI TIENES UN GRAN PESCADO DEBES DARLE DE COMER AL ARROYO. Key Phrase:Owonrincreates unexpected change. You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the Cookie Policy buttons or by clicking the Privacy icon at the bottom of the screen. - El que mucho abarca poco aprieta. l tendr paz y tranquilidad y la vida lo complacer. REFRESCO DE MELON Y VINO TINTO, SE LE DEJAN LOS DIAS QUE DIGA IFA. 2.- las bibliotecas. Habla un Egn obin omo YEMAYA que le da todo lo que usted quiere siempre y cuando usted lo atienda. And in the first place, we shouldnt even do evil to your second person at all because no matter what, it will come back on us. This is the death and rebirth cycle that is the foundation of all initiation. Strive continually to achieve the impossible. Por este If Orunmila dice que la persona puede fumar marihuana, por lo que se le aconseja que haga la obra con ELEGBA, donde se le ponen 3 cigarros de chamizo, para que evite que la persona lo haga, ya que eso ser su perdicin. SymbolicallyOseis associated with fresh water. He has taught me that r* worship is not just a religion but a total philosophy and way of life. vii) Obara Meji: Obara is the Odu that incarnates humility in the struggle with arrogance. The positive manifestation ofOturuponoffers the information needed for maintaining a healthy immune system. I cannot recommend him highly enough! Usted debe dormir para la pielera de la cama y poner una cruz de cedro en la cabecera de la cama. These spiritual consultations give us a forecast for 4-6 weeks and at the close of that time frame we receive another consultation and prayer (Ifa Dida and Ebo) so that we are always adjusting and recalibrating so that we stay on our path, as life is not linear things are always changing. Otura, the Comforter- is the source of mystic vision. Odu Ifa: wnrn Ogb and s gnd You can change your settings at any time, including withdrawing your consent, by using the Cookie Policy buttons or by clicking the Privacy icon at the bottom of the screen. ARISHA NISHA NITO OGUN y tira las dos mitades del pan para la calle, una a la derecha y la otra a la izquierda. The Babalawos further advised him to eat the bean cakes and not give them to Esu. 12. When some people have problems they complain and blame others. Ifa teaches that all human Destinies are rooted in the spiritual discipline of developinggood character. Por este If (Ogunda Masa)la persona debe poner una cruz de cedro en la cabecera de la cama, y dormir para los pies de la cama. If is practiced throughout the Americas, West Africa, and the Canary Islands, in the form of a complex religious system, and plays a critical role in the traditions of Santera, Candombl, Palo, Umbanda, Vodou, and other Afro-American faiths, as well as in some traditional African religions . So one must be engaged in both in order for optimum manifestation of prayers and walking fully in your destiny. In practical terms,Iworiis the fire of passion. Read Article Now Download PDF. It is the opposite of humility, which is based on the willingness to consider the opinions of others. The negative manifestation ofOgundais destruction without intent. 1.- LA GUERRA CON VIVO ES MALO, CON MUERTO ES PEOR. If says that under this odun when the person dies the soul of the benefactor rests, while that of the evildoer suffers bitter remorse. He was advised to sacrifice a pigeon, a sheep and three bean cakes. Ogunda Masa, se debe bautizar tres veces y la ltima ser en el santo. . Por este If la persona se asusta por cualquier cosa o bulla, sin analizar cuales son los motivos de ella. Ogbe as an expression of spiritual growth represents perfect alignment with destiny. It says the solidification of the past lays the foundation for that which is to come. The negative manifestation of strength is the desire to force personal will on others. When a teenager becomes an adult there is the end of the cycle of dependency on the parents. These form the basis of traditional Yoruba spiritual knowledge and are the foundationof all Yoruba divination systems. Key Phrase:Okanrancreates new directions and new possibilities. 256 Odu Ifa ~ Ifa Religion - Religion - Nairaland. Ifa keeps us in alignment and on our path. Lesson: In wnrn Ogb, Ifa warns that we should never pay evil with evil. Si es obin: puede formrsele un fibroma en el cuello del tero, haga obras para que no suceda esto; usted est preso para el santo o para If; usted tiene un Egn que lo puede tirar de una escalera haga paraldo para quitrselo. If Yoruba religion is based on oral literature scriptures known as Odu If or the Ifa corpus. old age, and latent disease. Key Phrase:Iworicreates transformation. Acceptance of these technologies will allow us and our partners to process personal data such as browsing behavior or unique identifications (IDs) on this site. Honoring Ifa and Orisa with obi, song, and dance. Mientras el mundo es esto, la tiosa no come hierba. The sixteen holyoju odus. Humans will never become stronger than the Forces of Nature that created human consciousness. When a baby is born there is an end of a cycle of living in the womb. The Yoruba word for black isduduand is associated withOyekuas a symbol for the invisible dimension, the Source of Creation. In this sign The main task of the religious is to be able to learn what the priorities of his life are, because if he does not make this clear he will not be able to advance anywhere. The order of seniority and metaphysical principles for the single legs ofOduIfaare as follows: 1. This change needs to be focused and directed towards a specific goal in order to be effective. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. No hay en el mundo pjaro como la tiosa. en este signo nace:-----1.- el nombre de yanza o iyanzan. The main odu Irosun and its fifteen sub-odus. JIO SOBRE LA GUABINA Y A LOS SIETE DIAS SE SACA Y SE MANDA A TORNAR. Por este If se le dice a la persona que tenga cuidado no caerse de una escalera ya que tiene un Egun que se lo puede provocar. La obra de ORUNMILA y OBATALA para que la persona no se muera antes que le toque. Passion can often lead to conflict. Historically it is associated with the process of organizing social structures into cities and towns. When experience teaches us that our perception of the world is in error, consciousness begins a quest for the truth of the matter. OGUNDA MASA AWARA WARA SOKONDE AWARAWARA LOYERE AWARA WARA OLORUN AYO ADIFAFUNGUNUGUN NI AUNDI EBO KERE. Storage or technical access is necessary to create user profiles to deliver advertising, or to track the user across one or multiple websites for similar marketing purposes. En este signo se marca el Eleggu de dos caras, o en Os Tonti Os (9-9), signo donde las . Whether it be business, relationship career or spiritual development Ifa Orunmila guides us well on our path. In positive terms conflict can lead to resolution and growth. "OKA EGUN OTIMPA. Fue donde ORUNMILA le dijo al Cielo que era inmenso pero no crecen las hierbas. Download Free PDF View PDF. xvi) Ofun Meji: Ofun Meji occupies the sixteenth position within the order of Odu Ifa in Yorubaland, West Africa. Aqu se tiene problemas de estreimiento donde debe tomar aceite mineral echndole 5 gotas de ans y 5 gotas de o -miel de abeja-. CUIDADO CON UN INTELIGENTE QUE DESEA ESCLAVIZARLO, PARA VIVIR DE SUS, LAS DOS AYAPA EN EL ESTANQUE. Ifa The true Religion of Yorubas.Sixteen is the number of cosmos. CUANDO ESTE IFA SALE EN AWOFAKA, LA PERSONA NO TIENE QUE HACER IFA. To learn more about how you can begin building your relationship through spiritual consultation and weekly prayer contact Chief Alaje. scotts turf builder crabgrass when to apply, american bowling congress list of 300 games, De mi de ella invisible dimension, the Deep Seer- is an end a... 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