8 steps of cult indoctrination


by The fight lasted about eleven yearsbut I did it! Picture the coolest kid in your high school. But, if you dont follow them, or if you are against them in any way, then they can punish your mind with a variety of means: from guilt to depression, from self-doubt to hopelessness. cure that is arbitrarily imposed. We never know how or when something that we say may be of support to someone else. They will make you feel like youre a bad person if you break their rules, or if your actions contradict their beliefs. Youve heard of Darwins finches. His steps are quoted in italics with my comments included below each step. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. We will be using the organization Jehovahs Witnesses as a case study. Well, Im afraid there may be: over-indulgence in rewards. Even though the Watchtower Organization will be used as a case study in our discussion, what we hope you take away is how to understand and use what Lifton has clarified down to a science for questioning and challenging your own religious faith. Episodes. "How Cults Work" People are indoctrinated without leaving their bedrooms. Studies show talk therapy works, but experts disagree about how it does so. selfish, and petty in the face of the great overriding mission This requires We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. In November of 2016, The Washington Post published a rather shocking article uncovering this problem specifically highlighting Australia. You arent alone, See Images By Americas First War Photographer. Here is a video explaining these failed predictions very clearly A Brief History of Watchtowers Failed Armageddon Predictions. They've abandoned comfortable lives to live self-sufficiently in harsh conditions, revering their teacher. A cult answers to no one. Needless to say, its another warning sign of being indoctrinated. This body of men that is comprised of anywhere from eight to twelve men is a unit of self-proclaimed representatives for Gods faithful and discreet slave class.This expression is based on their interpretation of the Parable of The Faithful Servant at Matthew 24:45-47, Mark 13:34-37, and Luke 12: 35-48. Do others think the same way as well? And you should take that responsibility. Love Bombing. By then they'll have invested heavily in the organisation and will be immersed in its magical thinking. (Photo by Ted Aljibe/AFP/Getty Images), Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? No doubt this information is extremely disturbing to even consider, especially if this is the first time that you are hearing about it. There are people that are completely self-interested; there are people projecting all kinds of qualities and needs out of trauma; there are people that dont really care about his racism or incredible misogyny but are really interested in his tax plan. 1. Even if your answer is positive, you should think twice before taking further action. I felt his body in my body, the same gangly awkwardness, the same hiked-up shoulder, the same thoracic kyphosis when he sat in meditation. Prior to Hassans work, there was another authority on the subject that I personally give credit to for my own awakening. In the social sciences, internalization means that the individual accepts a groups values and norms. absolutely evil. 8. The ensuing information is not for the faint at heart to consider. On the evening of the 18th November 1978, Jim Jones persuaded his followers to drink a punch laced with cyanide. Another important distinction is one that underlies all of the previous distinctions: The military is accountable to its government for its activities -- it is a regulated organization. In reading Liftons words above, it is easy for most of us to immediately think of Catholicism and their long-established institution of Confession. The leader may offer occasional gifts and special privileges to encourage continued submission. And if someone doesnt agree with something that he reads in your favorite news source, he may feel angry or sad. Click here to read Part Two: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination. They want to convince us that we cant be held responsible for our actions because the outside world is always changing and we cant keep up with it. They have and will continue to positively destroy peoples lives and create one of the biggest negative footprints on the evolution of our species entire history. my religion or organization use this technique? Not only the individuals communication with the outside, but alsohis communication with himselfextensive information about everyone is being conveyed to the authorities [of the group] is [common knowledge]Having experienced the impact of what they consider to be an ultimate truth, they [the authorities of the group] consider it their duty to create an environment containing no more and no less than this truth. [The group member] is deprived of the combination of external information and inner reflection which anyone requires to test the realities of his environment and to maintain a measure of identity separate from it. Intensive Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Effective Non 12 Step Alternatives to AA. way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the Usually, group indoctrination and self-indoctrination sessions demand many hours of members' lives. From day one, it's a process of manipulation and deception. As a parent, Im simply at a loss for words at this moment and dont really know what else to say on this subject. There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. While some people may see similarities between the mind-control practices used by cults and the training that goes on in military organizations, there are significant differences. As Lifton said, this is the basic foundation on which a system of indoctrination and brainwashing is built. You have had your mind changed by the ones who want to change your mind for their own purposes: the people who control your mind through indoctrination. While in the cult, he was eating one meal a day and sleeping only two hours each night. Are you really in charge of your actions? Perhaps it has done the same to you? Answer (1 of 2): The Jehovah's witnesses cult leaders use current members to recruit.they look for gullible , vulnerable, lonely , economically desperate people.. they start with a smile and feigned interest in you . He is based in Los Angeles. Military indoctrination in U.S. forces goes far beyond this; it is the process of turning civilian men and women into service memberssoldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. And this is an effective way of controlling people. 2. A healthy endocannabinoid system is critical to the human bodys immune functions. PICK A LEADER. The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. 9. We chose to highlight Jehovahs Witnesses as the case study for the discussion but there are cults to be found all over the world, some of which that are so intelligently put together that it is hard to identify them as a cult and even harder for a member in it to know that they are in a dangerous cult. Is there ever such a thing as too much of anything? There were so many scars to heal, too many insecurities to face. He went on to study various people from many situations of either imprisonment or indoctrination of some sort. Instructions and/or knowledge are sometimes said to be received by a leader (s) from God. He's welcomed into the cult family and invited to commit himself to the group. This is where trauma enters. Who was the father of American photojournalism? Paranoia: To maintain a false sense of comfort, cults often rely on paranoia tactics. Hes been involved in two cults: the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist group headed by former diamond dealer Michael Roach and former real estate salesman Charles Andersons Endeavor Academy. Other groups have been associated with the physical or sexual abuse of vulnerable members. Even though the religious are quick to point out that others have been brainwashed (such as communists, other religious adherents . Remski does not like the question as it focuses on the potential psychological flaws or moral failures of the initiate. I once spoke to the mother of a young man who had joined a destructive community in England. 77SharesSubject and Expectation: In part two of this ongoing series recounting the story of how he escaped the most dangerous religious cult in the, Spread the Love - Share this Post! We are so quick to default our thinking immediately to Catholicism when it comes to child molestation because of it permeating the headlines for so long now. STEP ONE: IDENTIFY THE POTENTIAL RECRUIT You'd expect the focus to be on troubled youngsters, but many groups target people with useful skills or access to money. Cults may keep new recruits from talking to other new recruits. Have you found yourself being asked to do things that you feel are stupid? Stay tuned for Part Two coming in a few days. In 1961, Lifton published his book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China where he broke down the entire process of how a person or an entity can use 8 defined techniques to actually reform the way a person thinks and reasons. The thing were not talking about in cult life is living a normal, ambivalent, adjusted life, where you realize you will be happy and sad, things will die, relationships will end, you will get sick and well again, things will continue. I was a victim of severe indoctrination from birth and had my entire thought process defined via the most wicked version of thought reform that I personally have ever come across; the Jehovahs Witness religion. Ultimately, feelings of worthlessness and "evil" become associated with independence and critical thinking, and feelings of warmth and love become associated with unquestioning submission. The member's confidence in all previously trusted social . There is the demand that one confess to crimes one Our hope is that the information presented in this article is explained clearly and becomes a source of help to anyone brave enough to consider reprogramming their mind in order to find true mental and psychological freedom. So why arent any neutrinos slow? Some synonyms of milieu are background, setting, atmosphere, and context. I just thought that he had perfected himself. Indoctrination and brainwashing are very real things in the world that we live in. These methods include persuasion, deception, and pressuring us to do what they want. If this sounds familiar, here are 10 warning signs that youre being indoctrinated. There is no debating this. They might use fear or guilt as a tool to get you to believe their message. She described her joy when he phoned and asked her to come and get him, and her horror at his appearance - thin and nervy, his head shaved, afraid to eat because it was "against the rules.". If this is the case, then youre probably being indoctrinated. He looked like me. Er, sorry, feminism is not a cult. Admit it. by some other supernatural force) to carry out the mystical imperative, the This is something thats used by all kinds of organizations, from corporations to religions to political factions. Thats because groups are very good at making their members obey their rules and norms. Do you entirely understand the meaning of the word internalization? If so, chances are high that you used to believe that some things were true and others were wrong, but now you have a different view of the world. Its okay to get rewarded. Please give personal suggestions or recommendations of resources that you used to help yourself wake up and find freedom. In addition, we endorse the work of Lloyd Evans, found on his Youtube channel here. This is usually done through peer pressure or subtle manipulation. Bringing all of this back to my mind has currently silenced me on the subject. Cults not only provide firm answers to every question, but also make promises that appeal to those needing reassurance, confidence and affirmation. This makes up their milieu or environment. "Mind control is sort of like magic - anyone is in danger of falling into that trap," the ex-member said. Darwin missed an amazing example of evolution. Some adjust well to it after a period of time, embracing their new role as "group member" and casting aside their old sense of independence. Because your behavior might not be completely under your control. Some groups ask their members to wait for years before they learn the entire creed. It emerged from somewhere deep in childhood; it was about both mirroring and splitting. We may not be realizing it, but were being brainwashed by the media, our government, and even our beliefs. . A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or giving validation. A person who is in the process of indoctrination under the constant influence of these elements, group pressure and manipulation of basic human needs, resocialization is developed . Thats because groups often try to get their members dependent on them so that theyll no longer have any other options or ways of life. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how she or he is. What really matters, according to Hassan, is what differentiates a benign cult from a destructive culti.e., the one you really need to watch out for. Physical abuse. Many, Remski says, are simply looking for room and board, an example featured in the Hulu series, The Path, about an ayahuasca-drinking cult in upstate New York. Lloyds video library is vast and extremely valuable to anyone that is mentally trapped inside of the Watchtower. These include depriving someone of their sleep, keeping them cold and hungry, actual bodily harm through violent behaviour. Project MKUltra secretly experimented with "mind control" techniques, dosing people with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) without their consent. Finding the answer could help professionals and patients. Roach systematized his own brand of Tibetan Buddhism, one that the Dalai Lama and senior leaders rebuffed. Sounds scary, right? Lets take an example from one of my favorite movies, Fight Club. There are reports that Hearst was locked in a dark closet for several days after her kidnapping and was kept hungry, tired, brutalized and afraid for her life while SLA members bombarded her with their anti-capitalist political ideology. Author Douglas Rushkoff lists 20 common steps of indoctrination in destructive cults. Instead his dream world fed an insatiable curiosity about a perfection that can never exist. Jonathan Royle, Hypnotist and NLP practitioner with over 30 years experience in the field of mind control and self help, is here today to outline the 8 steps. Those in power distribute rewards for "good" behavior and . Groups can form around almost anything. My awakening process happened prior to stumbling across Steven Hassan, Americas leading cult expert, and his beautifully written works that wouldve been of great value to me. The method provided a. But most psychologists believe that cult brainwashing techniques, which are similar to techniques used in prisoner interrogation, do change a person's thought processes. In Part two of this editorial published in a few days, we will go deeper into just how troubling the execution of this particular technique is by Jehovahs Witnesses, using my own personal experience of being shunned as an example. Parents should look for radical changes in their college student's beliefs and demeanor, Rockwell said. Lets repeat that one more time for clarity. Shutting down your dissent by threatening to withhold the prize By this point, the sell becomes a little harder. As a mother of two daughters entering adolescence, I welcome and applaud your voice, your story, and your work to be the change on behalf of girls in our society, Marcia! As most people would agree, life is anything but black and white anymore. on Twitter, Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? This ideology that most religions teach is a psychologically unhealthy black and white view to have of the world. This is usually done by making you feel guilty. . Induced Dependency - Cults demand absolute, unquestioning devotion, loyalty and submission. A spiritual guru decided to set-up shop in the high plains of Wasco County, Oregon. Slowly people began to hear about the commune. Seeking inappropriate. . In totalist hands, confession becomes a And most importantly, its not like theyre in need of this money. People Are Just as Likely to Quit Drinking on Their Own as With a 12-Step Program Like AA. Have you ever had to spend all your time with people who are in a specific group? There are (effectively) tax-free institutions that aren't considered to be religions. Whatever the case may be, youre probably receiving rewards in some way or another. In Scientology, this is accomplished through a rigorous process of indoctrination through written and tape-recorded materials. mind control is the seductive first part of the process of indoctrination, and "brainwashing" is . At the same time, rewards are offered - rest, love, comfort: the carrot and the stick. Unfortunately, that means you've taken the first big step into identifying with the cult. It was you that taught me to see very clearly the way that my reasoning was shaped by the 8 criteria you defined so many years ago. If the global Armageddon that is described in The Apostle Johns Revelation were to happen today, it is the belief of this entire organization that 99.887% of the planet would be destroyed, leaving approximately 0.112893539474% of the people alive; Jehovahs Witnesses. T he "real self" is never completely destroyed but is suppressed by the cult self. If Will Allen's documentary, Holy Hell, teaches us one thing, it's that there's no easy answer. Dread - Once complete dependence is established, the member must retain the leader's good favor or else his life falls apart. It is not magic and it is not fake. In the second criteria [Mystical Manipulation], it was explained how the Governing Body at the organizations headquarters is viewed as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit and direction. Copy a link to the article entitled http://How%20Do%20People%20Become%20Indoctrinated%20Into%20Cults? 1. Discussing the documentary film, Holy HellWill Allens harrowing inside look at the West Hollywood Buddhafield cult led by actor and hypnotist Michel (still active in Hawaii)Remski told me theres no easy answer regarding indoctrination. The Ditman (1967) study compared drunk drivers who were court-ordered to attend AA . I couldnt see what is true of all human beings: that he has an unconscious, and he doesnt know why hes doing what hes doing, and that some very deep, difficult stuff is likely beneath the surface. To Create Your Very Own Cult Begin by creating your own reality. Organizations will often take peoples money to use it for their own purposes. the ubiquitous human tendencies toward guilt and shame but also by the need to Then, lets get a clearer idea of what indoctrination truly is. Once you say what you feel out loud, that becomes part of your identity. Doctor Robert Jay Lifton, an American physiatrist and author whose work began and concentrated intently on the psychological causes and effects of violence from wars on the human psyche. Over the years, weve taken on a lot of new ideologies that change what we think and feel. The idea of brainwashing had a viral moment in the 1950s when the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) decided to wage psychological warfare against Communism. Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Agnostics all practice it as a means of recovery. Cf. Today's guests Joyce Short and Nina Lucas represent the organization known as The Consent Awareness Network, which is fighting for sexual abuse survivors by codifying consent in our penal codes as a freely given . Even if you dont want to be in the group, theyll make sure that your friends will keep on pressuring you into getting involved with them. (1) Distinctive rituals and beliefs related to God or a person; (2) Isolation from surrounding "evil" culture (idea that the cult is the place of safety and security); (3) A charismatic leader; (4) Observable commitment; Hindsight Bias Analysis Most of us are familiar with the classic definition of brainwashing: an attempt to control a persons beliefs and behavior using psychological techniques. When an innocent child has had its innocence ripped from them, even if the accusations cant be undeniably confirmed, then the only option is to involve the authorities, allowing them to conduct an investigation so that justice can be served. We have not. There are people out there who are trying to convince us that were not free agents, but they have hidden agendas. If so, dont worry because weve all been there. Thats how you can avoid being indoctrinated. We also highly recommend looking into Doctor Robert Jay Liftons work or Steven Hassans work, which can both be found on Amazon in the links provided. For example, you may be punished for not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones. ownership of each individual self within it [T]he cult of confession Isnt it something fascist authorities used to do? This rule of theirs has become rather famous as of lately in the world. However, the goal of this writing and essentially this website is to reach as many people as possible to help us all to evolve from within and to open our minds to questioning everything in our lives. But when a cult like Buddhafield emerges and, flipping the script on the normal derivation of insidious leader, Michel sexually abuses the men in the group, we again step back and ask: how? 8) separation of existence - members of the group have the right to life and existence, the rest ones - don't have it, i.e. Manipulators know that there are many physical techniques whereby a victim can be brainwashed. If neutrinos have mass, where are all the slow ones? Guilt is . Even the most intense religious indoctrination can be overcome. There are cults that are huge and religions that are small. Get counterintuitive, surprising, and impactful stories delivered to your inbox every Thursday. Lifton uses the word milieu very often in his work. Having strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes my religion or organization use this technique? I was born and raised in a religious cult. desires. Its pretty simple. The sum of these techniques constitutes what some people call "mind control." Your work and research helped me to succeeded and now I have the happiest life possible. The following techniques are currently being used and enforced all over our world as you read these words. The technique described here is actually a pretty common one used by many religious groups around the world. Few people seem to have a clear definition of indoctrination, and thus call anything they dislike indoctrination (e.g., "Leftists professors are indoctrinating their students," "Those . You must use their methods to achieve success or happiness. I was in 4th grade. Milieu is a noun that denotes a persons social environment. Cults are going virtual, but deprogramming needs one old-school tactic, say experts. Lifton preferred to call it thought reform as opposed to mind control from a psychological standpoint. Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially. More Episodes Redacted Conversation This is a central doctrine of their belief system. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. coverage. Has holding tightly to this two witness rule ever gotten the Watchtower in trouble? Photo / Getty Images. Many former cult members have killed . Here are the four steps to getting sucked into a cult. This is an example of a very cult-like rule. For one thing, military recruits know from day one that being in the military means giving up some of their autonomy -- that's how the military hierarchy works. The gloves start to come off. Patty Hearst, heiress to the Hearst publishing fortune, became famous in the 1970s after she was kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army (the SLA, which some deem a "political cult") and allegedly brainwashed into joining the group. Acknowledging that joining a cult requires an element of voluntary self-surrender also obliges us to consider whether the very relinquishment of control isn't a significant part of the appeal . The 12 Steps is very much seen as a practical program for a spiritual way of life and not an indoctrination of religious beliefs. Not the one who stuck to the sidelines at the time, made you feel included, and looking back, years later, embodied the mellow soul of goodness that you realize helped you evolve into a better person. 211334SharesSubject and Expectation: In this third installment recounting his experiences growing up as a Jehovahs Witness, The Small Town Humanist ventures further into his, Evolve From Within: The Philosophy of Humanism Theory and Atheism, Part Two: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part One: My Inspiring Comeback Story of Escape From the Most Dangerous Religious Cult in the World Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Two: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Confusing Childhood as One of Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Three: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Time as a Jehovahs Witness Ministerial Servant and an Introduction to the Three Men That Took My Life, Reason Number One Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful The Business of Religion, How You Can Help to Change the Whole World Be a Better Parent, Part One: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part Five: The Storm Being Removed From the Jehovahs Witness Religion, Reason Number Two Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful Breeds Traumatic Levels of Fear-based Guilt and Shame. 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8 steps of cult indoctrination